A Gideon's Army; prayer letter around satanic ritual abuse

The purpose of this prayer letter is to initiate a prayer movement in the Netherlands and abroad to free victims from the shackles of satanic ritual abuse.

In addition, to make people aware of the existence of satanic networks under the surface of our Western society. So that a network of passionate people gradually emerges to offer spiritual and practical support to victims (and perpetrators) who choose freedom. 

Below is a drawing of a survivor, then Esther tells how she experiences Remembrance of the Dead (4 May) in this prayer letter. A poem by a survivor is also included in this prayer letter. Next, the topic of exiting or astral travel is discussed, followed by the thanksgiving and prayer points and finally the prayer calendar for the coming period. We hope the information in this prayer letter will help you to pray with growing understanding and persistence for all things necessary to stop this hideous evil of satanic ritual abuse. So that many lives may be saved and restored to the glory of the only God who is perfectly good.

Remembrance and srm (by Esther)

4 May, the Netherlands is silent for two minutes for all the victims who died in wars. The text then spoken every year on Dam Square speaks volumes. Three wreaths for all victims, for all civilians who died of violence or exhaustion during or immediately after the war. Remembering the dead who died of exhaustion and violence

My heart squeezes as soon as I think about 4 May. The emotions involved create so much imbalance, and when a neighbour tells me to go to a commemoration of the dead in the neighbourhood, I feel betrayed. Sure, I can sympathise with the thinking that it is important to realise what war has done, but remembering the dead is what cult does too. It triggers me towards their world, not towards anything good.

When something is commemorated in cult, someone's great deeds are confirmed and elevated. The deceased person is spiritually recalled, as it were, and the power that person holds is exhibited and transferred to another, causing horrific rituals to take place as that person goes to display that power. Of course, this event is full of demonic activities and orgies and sacrifices reign supreme.
I think of so many moments when others lost their lives through torture and exhaustion because another thought it would make them better. Their empty, cold eyes, injuries, their intense pain and the gloating of those who did it to them. The memories pass by and are etched in my memory.

4 May is always a complicated day for me, and for those we help, the same is true. Remembering the dead is tradition in cult and people who had done something 'good' for them are remembered for a long time. But beyond commemorating their birthdays and death dates, these traditions in cult have more impact than many people think.

When I think of deaths in cult, I think back to the sacrifices made. Moments where people, including children have been killed, because death itself, inflicted by human hands, increases the power in darkness. Demons emerge more powerfully as a result and the euphoria and sense of power and control becomes much greater. The dead are given a place of honour (provided they followed cult thinking) and the dead who died because of their apostasy, as they call it, are forgotten. As a survivor of satanic ritual abuse, how then are you supposed to go and commemorate the dead on 4 May who get so much attention and space in this country, while your heart is so torn by the memories and loss of your loved ones, who also lost their lives under torture and exhaustion?

When I think back to a memorial in cult, my heart squeezes, I am overcome with intense grief and I think back to all those anxious moments when I thought I was going to die. The word commemorate is traumatic in itself.

Photo of Kevron at poem: Shame squared!

Poem by Noa:

Shame squared!

I feel empty inside,
I feel lonely,
I feel small and vulnerable.

I need you,
I need you to hold me.
I need your warmth, love, friendship and security.

Then you come to me and hold me,
NO!!! I shout soundlessly.

I want to push you away from me,
I want to scream at you,
I want to jump out of my skin.

Instead, I stiffen,
I don't feel you/I'm not there,
My body does not feel your comforting arms around me,
I am an empty shell floating.

I feel watched,
I feel too much,
I adjust.

I don't want you to touch me,
I am embarrassed,
And yet.......I need you
Please hold me

Exit or astral travel

Many (personality parts of) survivors tell us about being 'pulled out of their bodies', or that they can 'fly', go to all sorts of places without a body. They also tell of being attacked by people who have stepped out, whom they know from cult, mostly at night. Many people who get involved in a survivor's battle and hear about this are often unfamiliar with this. Is this really true, what happens then, and can it be consistent with what the Bible teaches? We would like to tell you more about this, so that understanding of the world survivors face increases, and we can better stand beside them in their struggle. 

Astral means incorporeal. Exit or astral travel means that the mind leaves the body and can perceive things outside the body and make journeys. These out of body experiences can occur spontaneously during traumatic experiences, for example during a serious accident or during sexual abuse. The mind then separates from the body and the event is then perceived from a distance. 

There are also people who have learned to step out, they can consciously summon an out-of-body experience through certain (meditation) techniques. By stepping out, their mind can travel and be in places other than their body. Their mind is invisible to other people who do not know this reality. 

Many survivors of srm have learned to mentally exit their bodies. And because they have DIS (Dissociative Identity Disorder), which means they are made up of multiple personality parts, multiple parts of them can exit. They have often learned this at a very young age through a combination of extreme pain, inviting demons into the child and other training in occult practices. In the path to recovery, where they themselves increasingly choose not to be obedient to cult and therefore no longer want to participate in cult activities, we see that cult starts to pull on them spiritually. This means they physically stay at home where it is safe but then people from cult (who can also disengage) spiritually come to pull on them or scare them, causing them to go spiritual as well. Also, some parts have often learned to come to cult on certain days precisely spiritually, so the power of habit and the urge to obey while stepping out, especially in the beginning still often wins. This is often hugely frightening for survivors. It is a tough spiritual battle that often takes place at night, which is partly why it is so important to pray during cult nights precisely to fight spiritually for survivors. Because they can fight better against these forces, fears and habits when the spiritual world is clearly fighting for them between light and darkness.

When parts exit and go along to cult, they are often tortured and raped while their bodies are in bed at home. The effects of this torture are felt in the body afterwards, they feel the pain and sometimes effects are physically visible.

For people who did not grow up in cult, this is hard to understand but for survivors, it is something they learnt from an early age.

In the Bible, we read about exits in 2 Corinthians 12: 2 here Paul says: 'I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago - whether it happened in the body, I do not know; God knows - that such a person was taken up to the third heaven.' And also in Revelation 21: 10: 'And he led me away in the spirit on a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, holy Jerusalem, which came down from heaven, from God.' 

It is highly inadvisable to seek this kind of experience. Satan poses as an angel of light and it may seem beautiful and enticing, but this way the door is opened for Satan to exert influence in our lives. 


Drawing of a survivor (2025) on (forced) astral travel


Farmstead 'the Inner Garden

We are grateful with our living and shelter location of Hoeve de Binnentuin. During Christmas and New Year, we were able to provide extra support to survivors by giving them shelter and a family who could and wanted to be there for them. We hope to expand this further in the coming years, where we want to have good focus on keeping our team healthy as a base. Grateful for this opportunity and that God has continually provided is what was needed.
We are also grateful for a fence around our premises, which provides more security. We received this as a donation, as well as a professional printer, desk and office chair. We also feel supported by this.


We are incredibly grateful that some treatments are running, that there are teachable people involved and we are on the road together.

Network friends

Being a network friend is not always easy, which is why we are all the more grateful that those who are network friends are faithful, patient and persistent! That which helps a survivor, they try to do within God's limits. People who sign up to (potentially) want to become network friends also make us grateful.


We are grateful that donations come in every month to enable us to do our work. Without these donations, helping our target group becomes much harder and we cannot provide the continuity that is so desperately needed.
Prayer groups
We are very grateful to know that more and more people and groups are praying for srm survivors.

Information evenings and courses

We are grateful that the information evenings are well attended and that our work, but especially this injustice, is becoming better known in the Netherlands. We also started a mini-course for which there appears to be a lot of interest. The first course went well and we will definitely continue! We are grateful for that!


And all that ye shall ask faithfully in prayer ye shall receive (Matthew 21:22).


Pray that for the work of practitioners, donations will continue to come in to fund it and that practitioners will receive wisdom and strength for their work. We still need practitioners in order to be able to adequately help our current beneficiaries and thus also make room for new applications.

Network friends

Pray that the people who are now network friends will endure to be able to be friends, while the person seeking help shows more and more of themselves. Pray for more network friends throughout the country, there is a really big shortage of these and sometimes literally gets in the way of getting out of the cult. Specifically, we are looking for networkers in the broad surroundings of Amsterdam, Zwolle, Gorinchem and Utrecht.

Work by Friends of Esthers

Pray for all the developments within Friends of Esthers. We work hard to improve diagnostics for CDIS (complex DIS) in ongoing abuse, and we work in multiple areas to spread our knowledge. These include frequent meetings for networkers, bidders and so on where we do knowledge transfer and where we meet. There is a lot of time and energy in this work and each step requires a lot of wisdom. We need Yeshua very much in this, if He does not build the house, in vain toil the builders (Psalm 127:1). We are very much aware of this. Pray for His guidance with every step we take in every area of our work and with every person we deal with.

Finance for Hoeve 'the Inner Garden'

We started the Hoeve a few months ago. A place where survivors can safely work on their traumas, so they can and dare get out. Our project still needs money to renovate the large barn. Please pray for finances, builders and building materials for this so we can convert it into an office and training/meeting space to see clients, train practitioners and networkers and meet together in a safe place.

Prayer groups

Pray for more people to stand up against injustice and fight along in the spiritual world. Find people and start praying together. Ask others to join. Start ... Yeshua will bless it!


Continue to pray for offenders to encounter Yeshua and see what He is doing in the lives of survivors. Pray for courage and outstretched arms in their lives where they feel the safety and freedom to repent and start their lives anew.


Pray for survivors who cannot be mentioned by name for various reasons. Pray that they may know that they are valuable to Yeshua and that they will learn that there are people who can be trusted and above all that Yeshua is safe and is always with them. Pray that Yeshua will put safe people around them so that there will be opportunities for them to recover from what has been done to them.

Other survivors and helpers still waiting

We are in contact with several help seekers and due to the lack of network friends and practitioners, we cannot help everyone right now. Pray for wisdom for us for the applications that are already ongoing. For proper diagnostics and for the right doors to the right help. Churches that dare to open their doors to this group. Pray that those who have to wait for help will find courage and strength to persevere and not give up or will find another place where they can be helped. That they will experience that the great arms of Yeshua will carry them too.


Carnation is a brave practitioner who has been working with survivors for some time. As a point of thanks, Carnation mentions that she has more energy in the last few years than before, however, there is now a dip where she has a little less energy again. She would like prayer for wisdom on how to deal with the amount of work coming her way, that she will have more energy, that she can be where she is needed and set her boundaries.


Martin is a help-seeker at Friends of Esthers. His process is intense and has a lot of impact on himself and those around him. Pray that person parts learn to stay safe and that more and more parts choose the way of Yeshua. We are grateful for breakthroughs in his treatment and pray for a larger network around this family. Pray also for Martin's partner, who is overburdened. Pray for recovery from this and that she keeps up the process


Adam is a son of a survivor. Eager prayer that Yeshua puts the right people around him and around his family so that he dares to step out of this darkness. This is going to be difficult. Much wisdom is needed and Yeshua will have to be the one to open the right doors and make his heart willing.


Ismael is a grandchild of a survivor and experiences abuse in his early years. Unfortunately, there is no access to him yet to help him be and stay safe until now. Pray for open doors and for parents to address opportunities for exit!


Myrthe would like prayer that she will be and remain safe and able to stay out of the hands of cult. Prayer for her protection remains important as well as for her recovery process.


It is an intense period for her in which a lot is happening and coming to the surface. She also struggles a lot with the issue of truth/lie. Her network we hope to expand soon. Pray for Yeshua's guidance and His nearness in this whole process and for a good work-life balance.


Has already had a long road where he has faced a lot of opposition. Pray for open doors and Yeshua's guidance to bring the right people into his path so that the path to lasting freedom can be set.


Ingrid is a brave relief worker who does not give up. Her suffering is great, but her will to recover and be able to help others is greater. There have been great breakthroughs in her process, pray that the breakthroughs will keep coming and her suffering will be reduced. Pray also for safety where she lives or that Yeshua will open doors to a safer place to live.


Laura is taking brave steps and is very motivated to work on her recovery process. Please prayer for her inner world that they will come to know and respect each other so that there will be more peace in her inner world. Would like continued prayer for safety for Laura and that her partner will continue to have the strength to support her.


In recent months, I have been discovering that I cannot handle everything, but that a body and mind are made to rest, relax and be taken care of at times. A difficult (for me) consequence of integration, but as God intended. So please pray for a healthy balance between hard work, moments of enjoyment and rest. The confrontation with survivors of which I have been a perpetrator myself and vice versa is a complicated, but at the same time restorative one. Pray for wisdom and strength to continue to face this process and to be there in love and with an eye on the other. Not my will, but His will. Song for this period: https://youtu.be/uysGt7JVw9U?si=AvYahtp3pjESlfkr


I am grateful for what God is doing in our family since moving to the Hoeve but nice if you would continue to pray for strong family relationships in changed living conditions. I also want to ask for wisdom for us as a core team of which I am a part, that we receive wisdom to make the right choices for our growing organisation so that all the volunteers who support our survivors are adequately equipped and competent to do their job and that our outreach is increased so that more survivors can be helped.


Humbly is a brave woman who has been helping a survivor for decades. All these years, she and many others have tried many ways to help this person, but experience many of these attempts as failures. Since starting at Friends of Esthers, Humbly is less alone and feels supported, but it is still a tough road to see the suffering of a survivor up close. Pray that she will gain and keep wisdom, courage and strength to continue this tough process. Let us all spiritually stand around people like Humbly.


Is a courageous woman who knows several survivors, cares for them and wants to be like a friend. She often faces spiritual struggles through this work. Pray for protection and wisdom in the steps she takes.


Jan is an older preschooler who shows core characteristics of severe abuse in his play behaviour and in other ways. A lot has been going on around Jan for a long time. Pray for contacts between caregivers, for protection when it comes to parental authority and that he has a safe place to grow up with appropriate treatment. No further update is known.


Geertje's trial is ongoing and seemed to be going in the right direction, but recently reports are sounding the other way again. Her mother has been on a tough trajectory. Eager prayer that this trajectory will increase her security and that the tug-of-war for parental rights will soon come to an end.


Sarina is a medical aid worker who helps us with our work. After cancer treatment, she is recovering but still has little energy, partly because her health was poor before this. She is unable to work; it affects her life a lot. Pray that her condition and her whole body will recover so that she can continue to serve helpers.


Gerard is part of the Friends of Esthers core team. Gerard has had a tough heart surgery and is recovering from it. Pray for full health of his body and for wisdom within his duties within Friends of Esthers.


Cult dates with times of rituals and additional information and prayer points

It is very intensive for survivors to surface specific information about each cult night, because each cult meeting is associated with many horrible memories, which then come to the surface. It has therefore not been possible to get sufficient clarity on the specific times of all days. The times of 1.00 - 3.00 are not always fully covering: the cult often goes on longer and sometimes starts earlier. For certain cult groups, Friday night is fixed cult night. Friday is therefore a day that is extra tough for many survivors. Days like new moon and full moon are days when cult comes together extra and the intensity is heavier. Pray that these nights will be disrupted and the spiritual power they experience will be powerless.

Note: If it says February 25, it refers to the night of February 24-25.

25 February 1am-4pm

28 February 1am-5pm the toughest night of February with the most spiritual struggles. There are demonic activities with libations for Halloween. It is also a new moon this night, which will make this night even heavier.

14 March full moon 1.00-3.00 pm

29 March new moon 1am-3pm

10 to 17 April preparations Good Friday

From the night of 9-10 April until the night of 16-17 April, there will be cult gatherings every night from 1.00 - 3.00. This week is dominated by preparations for Good Friday and Easter. Victims are being 'prepared' to be sacrificed, to attend orgies and there will be deliveries where babies are abused and sacrificed. There will be rituals and sacrifices of animals as well as humans and sex orgies involving demons. People are working towards the climax on 18 April. Pray for hope during these nights. That it is not hopeless, but that the victims will know that there are people who are on the ground for them these nights. Pray for the (new) mothers who will lose their babies (again). Pray for comfort and that Yeshua may show them where their baby is going, safe in the arms of Yeshua. During this week, 13 April is full moon so this night is extra heavy.

18 April Good Friday

Cult meetings of 0.00-6.00
This night is dominated by the resurrection of satan. He is portrayed as the conqueror of evil (after all, Satan is seen as the good in the cult). Someone is sacrificed on the cross for his glory, however, this cross is reversed.
Pray for the victim on the cross, that like Stephen, he may behold the glory of God and that this may be a testimony in the group. Pray that Satan and his henchmen cannot come, that there will be spiritual domes around the victims and that they will be untouchable. After all, for our God, all things are possible.

20 April Easter Sunday

Cult meetings of 0.00-6.00
Today, Easter takes place in the cult. In the cult, it is not called Easter, it is the day of resurrection. During Easter, curses are specifically pronounced on everything alive in the eyes of Yeshua. Death is sanctioned and attempts are made to destroy life. Children are raped on an upside-down cross, the curse on its head. A newborn baby is sacrificed and more.

21 April Easter Monday

Cult meetings of 1am-4pm

The day of the great curse. It is a direct attack on the Christian life. The darkness comes together, as it were. Demons are summoned in large groups and sent out to the great adversary, God. After this ultimate session, a great orgy takes place in which babies are also used and die from the effects of these rapes.

21-30 April preparation week Walpurgis 1.00-3.00

This whole week is the cult festival, a preparation week for Walpurgis. It has become spring, the cult's fertility season. The beginning of spring, but above all the beginning of purification. During this week, children (aged between nine and 16) will be made pregnant so that they can give birth to a child during Christmas. Some girls will be 'saved' for Walpurgis Night. They will not be used for sexual intercourse the week before and will only be made pregnant during Walpurgis during a special ceremony. Their cycle is geared to these days, using fertility drugs. During this week, April 27 is New Moon so it is extra heavy.

30 April - 1 May Walpurgis

Cult meetings of 0.00-4.00 Walpurgis night and on 1 May during the day from 10am-2pm meetings with concluding hunting parties.

The night of 30 April to 1 May (Walpurgisnacht) and during the day on 1 May are the climax. Sacrifices are then made with babies, sex is practised with people who have been killed beforehand and orgies are experienced with mostly children under eight years old. It is heralded with a 25-year-old woman being burnt alive on a blazing fire. The next day, there are gatherings and when the sun sets, hunting parties for children will take place in forests. These hunting parties officially end this period, with the 'best' children remaining. Not all children survive the hunting parties.

Spiritual demonic activities are intense these days. Cult members strive to go as far as possible into ecstasy so that a deep, intense connection is felt with their king, Satan. They worship him as we worship Yeshua. They see him as THE light, THE life and THE answer. The spiritual interaction with demons and during the climax between 3am and 4am on this night with Satan himself (if they have done well enough) is the real climax. It is intensely experienced, there is crying and they feel god.

The darkness has all the freedom, there is no blockage, no light. This very freedom of the darkness is what feels so powerful and which makes it impossible for a victim to imagine being able to get out of this. The power of darkness is impossible to match ... at least that's how it feels in that moment.

Specific prayer points are:

That the victims feel there is a God who is bigger and stronger. That deep inside, they feel the lifeline with Yeshua and hold the hope that there is outcome.

That the perpetrators start to doubt, doubt is sin in the cult. Doubt can kill them, but is the only way to possibly get out.

That Yeshua with his mighty army of angels will disrupt the devil's spiritual rapture. That His battle during this night can be present in that space of the cult and everyone there will witness the power of our King Yeshua.

That the meetings are disrupted and that in doing so, the victims will not be harmed.

That there no new spiritual bonds and demons can enter the victims, that no new hooks will be struck so that freedom will be closer than ever.

That the meetings cancelled can find.

Disembarkers have a very difficult time this night, they can be attacked and mentally 'taken away' or raped. Pray for them to be under Yeshua's protection and the attacks cannot reach them.

1 and 2 May Cult parties 1.00-3.00 p.m.

4 May Remembrance Day 0.00-3.00
Memorial Day, demons impersonate important deceased cult figures and there is a sex orgy with them.

5 May Liberation Day
Cult meetings at least from 0.00-10.00.

12 May full moon 1.00-3.00 pm

27 May new moon 1.00-3.00 pm

29 May Ascension 0.00-5.00
This is a tough night.

Will you continue to pray with us?

Esther, Aline and Janita

This prayer letter may be distributed widely, especially in churches. 'My people perish for lack of knowledge',
says the Bible (Hosea 4:6). Let us then look away no more. Let us fix our eyes on Yeshua and injustice, and let us embrace those caught in it and take them before the throne of God!

For more information on satanic ritual abuse, see e.g.






NB: the above highly informative documentaries have unfortunately been taken offline by Argos, but can still be found elsewhere on the internet for those who do a quick search.

For whom and by whom?
This prayer letter is for any Christian who wants to join in prayer based on good information. It is an initiative of Esther, Aline and Janita. Esther was born into a church family that worshipped Satan and has struggled to break free from the grip of this cult. Aline is professionally helping survivors of satanic ritual abuse to step out of this cult and come to recovery physically, emotionally and spiritually. Janita is active in prayer work around srm and is a survivor practitioner.

If you know people who might be interested in joining us in prayer, please feel free to forward this letter and the prayer points. If you no longer wish to receive this prayer letter and the prayer points, an email back will suffice.


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!