
Colliding worlds - survivor and networker

Out of life

I have now spent years walking intensively with survivors of srm and it is harrowing to realise more and more what an incredibly complex world they live in. They have to function in two completely different worlds. One world of absolute hierarchy and obedience, where any 'mistake' is ruthlessly punished; a world that constantly sends the message that it is they who control this planet and that it is impossible to escape them. As one of the first threatening emails I received said: 'we are everywhere, are always around you'.

If you grow up in this cult from babyhood, if you meet all the people of influence in your life also in the cult. If - as many survivors tell you - people of influence, whom you see on TV, are also sometimes your rapists. And if they use symbols and hand gestures as signs of their supremacy, which you also see in 'ordinary' life. If those gestures are also sometimes made by people on the stage in the church you go to and plenty of other places. What child and later adult will then not believe that it is cult who rules the world?

As Friends of Esthers, we want to help survivors find a way out of this. We want to show that a life is possible based on bonds of love instead of destructive bonds of fear. We want to make them feel that there are people who want to stand around them, who want to learn to understand how incredibly difficult it is to break free. People who are reliable, stay and don't leave, no matter how long the struggle and how many times you relapse.

But what if you are a survivor and then get sent pictures via cult of those people, your new friends. Where they are standing friendly talking to one of your rapists, in 'ordinary life' postman or bank manager or Christian leader or...(fill in the blank). Or your new friend is standing on a stage worshipping God and next to your friend is someone with their fingertips together making a triangle, making the silence sign (finger to lips) or some other gesture you know so well from cult? Is this new friend actually correct? Or does he secretly belong to cult too and is he going to betray you rock hard soon? This has happened so many times in cult, you don't know any better.

What can make it that much more difficult for a survivor is that these kinds of pictures can be seen by a part of the person that the 'ordinary world' is virtually unaware of. He or she does not have the whole brain at his/her disposal to conceive that cult is deliberately trying to prevent safe relationships from forming around the survivor.

The other world a survivor has to deal with is the world I live in, let's say a naive citizen or Christian ('all is as it seems'). Recently, I watched a video of a Christian gathering, paying specific attention to whether I saw someone on stage making cult gestures. I saw nothing. A survivor who watched the same video sent me a screenshot showing quite clearly a cult gesture, made by one of the people on stage, which went on for a longer time. How could I not see that? I learned again: you don't see what you're not used to paying attention to. My attention was drawn to other things happening on stage at the same time. This survivor immediately saw that cult gesture, having been trained from childhood to pay attention to that very thing. To which I would note, by the way, that someone can also make a gesture that has a certain meaning in cult without knowing it and without wrong intentions.

On several occasions, Esther told me that I had stood talking to someone she knew from cult, or had even visited. She had been given photos/movies and panicked because I seemed to be friends with one of her perpetrators. After calm had returned, she knew exactly which door I was standing at or how my car had been parked and what the house looked like, including inside. There was no other way she could have known this. I myself thought it was a chance encounter from which a spontaneous contact arose. I could draw no other conclusion than that these encounters were deliberately arranged to drive a wedge between me and Esther. In short, for a survivor, cult is everywhere. Not just in places where they have a collective presence, worshipping Satan in dark gatherings, making films for (child) porn industry or running human trafficking. But also in churches, sports halls, political gatherings, meetings of (world) leaders. They are also close to the people who help you, and these don't notice anything. There is insecurity everywhere.

If you are someone who helps a survivor, try looking at your own life through the eyes of a survivor. How many people do you know, how many places do you go? Be aware of how to your innocent contacts can be very threatening to 'your' survivors. Let them know that you are open to hearing it, if they become terrified of places you go or people you interact with. That it is allowed to be there, and not waved away or trivialised, is already worth so much!
If you are a survivor, try to remember that people who are not from cult are (can be) very naive. That they need your information to be able to see what you see. Tell your other person parts that you can talk to your friend or therapist together, if you have been frightened by e.g. pictures you have had about them.

During farewell service in the church, I testified: 'I was reminded of that beautiful moment in the Knights' Hall, where God made sure that Myrjam and I got to sit in the front row from the back, among dignitaries'. I was grateful for that memorable moment because that week in 2019 was filled with miracles for me. The meeting in question took place in the Knights' Hall, a historic venue used this time for a Christian gathering. Guilt was confessed for what took place against Jews in the Netherlands during the Second World War - and this started with an anti-Semitic statement in the Ridderzaal by the German occupiers. Things were now reversed: instead of curse the blessing, instead of hate, confession of guilt and even forgiveness. Christian and Jewish leaders together recognised God's plan with the city of Jerusalem and the land of Israel, over that of The Hague (so-called city of Peace and Law).
The fact that Myrjam and I were asked from the back of the room to come and sit in the front made it possible for us to witness the meeting up close, when we did not count on this at all.
This was the memory and gratitude that came with it. I wanted to bear witness to Him and His goodness at my parting.

I realise in retrospect that the Knights' Hall is linked to many complicated aspects related to s.r.m. (such as the government, high-ranking officials and people who may run into each other who may know survivors) and so can be very annoying for survivors! So am I still trustworthy if I do this kind of thing looking back on it gratefully?

A tricky thing, because I also want to bear witness to what God is doing in my life. That sometimes happens to people and in places that are 'not safe'. But I have decided to engage with survivors, and really want to learn. I want to pay attention to what and how I communicate, and that I want to face survivors and be happy to explain where possible. I hope this piece contributes to that, and will think twice next time. After all, there are many other moments of gratitude to mention!



Thus, step by step, bridges between clashing worlds are created. Bridges that are needed to help survivors escape from a life of inhuman enslavement of body, soul and spirit. And that challenge (naive) helpers to take a critical look at their own lives and the world around them. Towards an even better world, the Kingdom of God, which we may already see and taste pieces of.

Want to help build bridges? Get informed about what it takes to become a network friend of a survivor. 


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!