December 2024- Friends of Esthers newsletter

Inhoud – Boek “Ik ben Wie?” – Eigen stichting met ANBI status – Update verbouwing Hoeve “De Binnentuin” – Extra oproep voor (tegenvallende) verbouwkosten – Nieuw: mini-cursus  “Daar wil ik meer van weten!” – Aanmeldstop  Boek “Ik ben Wie?” Friends of Esthers heeft een bijzonder boek mogen uitbrengen, dat een even levendige als afschrikwekkende uitbeelding van satanisch ritueel misbruik weergeeft. Het […]

September 2024- Friends of Esthers newsletter

Inhoud – Update Hoeve met appelmoes! – Update werk Friends of Esthers – Nieuwe blogs & artikelen onder de aandacht – Informatie- en netwerkvrienden avonden – Update Financiën   Update Hoeve “De Binnentuin” Alles is inmiddels grote stappen verder. De intrek in de Hoeve door 3 families is een feit en de eerste cliëntenafspraken zijn […]

June 2024 - Friends of Esthers newsletter

Do not be afraid for I am with you ... with My holy right hand - Isaiah 41:10 What a commitment from the our Creator and Lord. When fear creeps up on us or overwhelms us, may we realise that there is also another, greater reality: God's holy right hand. What a challenge, especially for survivors who, due to severe trauma [...]

Hoeve de Binnentuin

Good news! All the lights are green for the purchase of De Hoeve! Read the latest status and what is still needed here. More information...

February 2024 - Friends of Esthers newsletter

In this issue we address: State of affairs Farmstead "the Inner Garden" Committee debate 6 March next New information and networking Friends evenings Prayer letters State of affairs Farmstead "the Inner Garden" Since last September, a core team of Friends of Esthers has been praying and taking steps in faith towards the purchase of a (residential) farm [...]

January 2024 - Friends of Esthers newsletter

At the start of this new year 2024, we would like to inform you of a number of developments. Here is an overview: - Growth of work- Update on Hoeve de Binnentuin- Information evenings/ Help the Hoeve on its way- Strengthening networks - with attachment to invite acquaintances- Establishment of Friends of Esthers foundation- Argos documentaries offline- Financial state of [...]

October 2023 - Friends of Esthers newsletter

Herewith another Friends of Esthers newsletter in which we would like to update you on the latest developments, facts and events surrounding our work. Very recently, Esther was violently attacked while on her way alone to a processing weekend. She narrowly survived the attack and is still recovering from it. The event [...]

September 2023 - Additional newsletter Friends of Esthers

We have some special news and we would like to make this known. For about 1.5 years, a team within Friends of Esthers has been thinking about how to help s.r.m. survivors even better. Safe shelter for survivors and living together with some families in a nice location became a heart's desire. The team [...]

May 2023 - Friends of Esthers newsletter

23 May, 2023 Dear people, Herewith another update from Friends of Esthers. In this newsletter, we would like to update you on the latest developments on our sites and our work within 'Friends of Esthers'.In addition, an update on the latest political developments and an urgent appeal (see also the here) to all [...]

February 2023 - Friends of Esthers newsletter

February 2023 Dear people, After a long period of radio silence, we are happy to give you an update on Friends of Esthers and its websites. We update you on what is new on the sites and briefly discuss the final report of Hendriks committee. In a separate post, you will find more [...]


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!