The cult with its tentacles

Out of life

I never realised before how deep the opposition of the cult goes, until this moment. We experienced it now when buying a new house.

Back then, when the current house was bought with the help of my in-laws, with whom we took out the loan, I had never considered that that loan would now be used against us, to keep control over us. What they are actually doing is inhibiting the purchase we want to make now to get a safer place to live - and they know it.

Cult is angry and wants to stay in control at all costs. I see it as an animal close to death, giving the last convulsions to stay in control while it knows it is going to die.

Now, at the breaking point in my life, I see how in and in bad my in-laws actually act. They do everything they can to stay in control, and that goes far... very far. They realise deep down what they are doing, and that is getting a survivor who gets out so far that it breaks so that it has no way out for itself. So that they commit suicide or return to the cult where death awaits them. Or could it be that my in-laws too are stuck in the clutches of the cult?

There are no words to describe the rollercoaster of emotions racing through our lives right now. How can people act so wickedly: that you want to do such a thing to your child, that money is chosen over a human life, for what actually... just to harass in such a way that it costs a human life?

I could write another whole story by name, but I won't. It is not worth it to me to name and shame all this and make words about it. However, the cult is cunning and devious, and at this level I don't want to get involved because that would make me just as bad. All I want to say with this is how far cult is willing to go to want to control and how it happens right under our noses.... And this, what I have told you now, is just a pinprick of what else is happening.

Happy holidays? I didn't think so. Peace on earth? Chaos is what they cause!

Let us hope that the cult will be put on open display and let us pray for justice and righteousness.

an expert by experience


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!