It is a subject to which people often initially react with disbelief or, as someone recently said to me during a Halloween prayer night, "Sometimes I wish I hadn't heard all this". She was referring to all the horrors that take place in secret during cult nights.
I think the latter was the drive for me to say "yes" to a request to join
want to help create the prayer letter 'A Gideon's Army'. For what in the hidden
takes place and cannot bear the light of day must be made public. Psalm 51:8a reads:
"God wants truth in the hidden". When I reflect on what goes on in this dark world,
feelings of injustice and powerlessness intrude on me; I cannot and will not let it get too close
How beautiful it is then that we can bring all the injustice and all the pain and sorrow to God in prayer and
may expect Him to provide comfort and relief. While making the prayer letter, we realise
I that everything described therein will be brought into the light. The prayers for the survivors
of SRM and those still imprisoned may ascend to the Father through Jesus.
In an area of a church building where there is a lot of prayer, a painting depicting a bowl. It is a bowl with incense, in which prayers are collected, including prayers that are not (yet) answered but that God knows about. The creator of this painting, Carla Veldhuis explains her painting 'Incense': "A fragrance offering in the O.T. stood for all prayers, they ascended, it was for Elohim a wonderful fragrance! This was also the place of voluntary sacrifice. Also your simple 'bare' worship without adornment, broken prayers given with tears. Concerns about war, your children, the future etc. put into His bowl. There is a place for it... they are Heard and transformed."
An army of Gideons needs to rise up to pray! Fine with making the prayer letter, my