23 May, 2023
Dear people,
Herewith another update from Friends of Esthers. In this newsletter, we would like to update you on the latest developments on our sites and our work within 'Friends of Esthers'.
Also, an update on the latest political developments and an urgent appeal (see also the here) to all readers who are members of the Christian Union.
Objective Friends of Esthers
Friends of Esthers, literally: 'friends of Esthers' aims to help survivors like Esther. We do this by working with the survivor to create a situation in his/her life where the conditions for safety and growth are present. Besides finding a team of network friends, we help them by working to create a safe
living environment, matching them with a coach, and at a later stage with a trauma counsellor. For those around the survivor, we provide training in various forms and prayer. Read about it on our site www.lichtoplevens.nl more on.
Help practically: become a network friend! - we are looking for people throughout the Netherlands
We are currently on a path to recovery and freedom of mind, soul and body with several helpers. We have a number of willing coaches who stand beside helpers for a long period, but in addition to them, network friends are needed. When someone steps out of the cult, many people from the old life have to be let go. Often, these are also family members. So we are looking for 'new family members' for these people. Family can be anyone with a warm and trusting heart. As with ordinary family, the time investment can be very different. With some you have daily contact and with others once a month. All those contacts are valuable. So if you only have an hour of space a week, we are still very happy to have you. Knowing and realising that there is someone willing to put a little energy into you is a piece of healing in itself. Read here what it means to be a network friend and what conditions we impose. Here you can sign up to have an exploratory talk with us about it.
Information dissemination SRM
Another objective of 'Friends of Esthers' is to publicise the existence and consequences of satanic ritual abuse (SRM). We have had the opportunity to give several speaking engagements in recent months and we will soon start information evenings. Keep an eye on our next newsletter for more information on this. If you would like to participate in spreading information, please let us know via the contact form.
What's new at www.lichtopsrm.com?
On 28 April, Friends of Esthers was a guest on Family 7. Here, Aline Terpstra spoke about Walpurgisnacht, what it means and how victims can be helped. Read in the news release of 23 April j.l. more on this.
The report was recently released in response to the October 2020 motion calling for an independent investigation into the National Special Vice Cases Expert Group (LEBZ). In this item read why Friends of Esthers finds this research not independent, superficial and inadequate.
What's new on Lichtoplevens.co.uk?
This relatively new website aims to appeal to and mobilise a wider audience to do something to help survivors of satanic ritual abuse. We envision an 'army of ordinary people' that will rise up and get involved in many ways. So that eventually survivors will break free from this horrible slavery.
Recently, it blog 'infiltration at my work' posted, written by the daughter of a network friend, describing her personal experiences.
A quarterly prayer letter on this site with specific information on cult days during this period.
Finally, new employees introduce themselves on the page 'About us'. This time, these are Hinke and Janita.
We would appreciate it if you Lichtoplevens.co.uk want to make it widely known!
Why are we even concerned with politics?
As Friends of Esthers, our main goals are to help survivors of srm, train network friends, coaches and practitioners to be able to help survivors and promote awareness in society. In addition, we also look for opportunities to bring this horrible injustice into the limelight through political channels. With some regularity, we hear from people who have experienced ritual abuse up close
deal with, that they feel this is wasted energy. They indicate that they have no confidence that our government and parliament are prepared to address this huge injustice. To them, we want to say that we understand their position and we also understand that this even makes some survivors distrust us. At the same time, we hope that there are also people in the political parties who, if they have the right information, want to commit themselves wholeheartedly to justice. And, even if our commitment would have no visible political consequences, it at least helps raise awareness in society. Hence our choice to continue our commitment in this area as well.
Political developments
As for the Hendriks Committee report on organised sadistic child abuse, we are still waiting for the Cabinet response and discussion in the Justice and Security Committee. So it is still worth making your own voice heard and asking politicians to stand up for an independent 'second opinion'. (Re)read our news item under 24 February 2023.
Appeal to members of the Christian Union
Ahead of the party congress on 3 June, an internal motion has been tabled by 10 members at ChristenUnie around organised sadistic abuse. The motion calls on the ChristenUnie group to take the lead in arriving at an independent 'second opinion' enquiry into organised sadistic abuse. In news release, 23 May 2023 more on this. Happy to forward this message to (other) members of the Christian Union you know!
Thank you for your support in any way! Survivors desperately need our support!
With warm regards,
On behalf of the team Friends of Esthers
Aline Terpstra, GZ-psychologist BIG
Esther, survivor satanic ritual abuse
Werner de Jonge
Gerard van der Schee
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