A Gideon's Army Prayer Letter around satanic ritual abuse

The purpose of this prayer letter is to initiate a prayer movement in the Netherlands and abroad to free victims from the shackles of satanic ritual abuse.

In addition, to make people aware of the existence of satanic networks under the surface of our Western society. So that a network of passionate people gradually emerges to offer spiritual and practical support to victims (and perpetrators) who choose freedom. 

On intercessory prayer (by Hinke)

Why pray, when God already knows everything anyway? Yes, why is prayer necessary, why is it important and what is it good for? First of all, we see in the Bible that God calls us to pray.  

1 Thess. 5:17,18 Pray unceasingly, thanking God in all circumstances, for that is what He requires of you who are one with Yeshua.  

Always praying is not that you can never do anything else, but that in everything you do you are online with Christ and include Him in everything. God engages us in things to do with the Kingdom of God. We get to cooperate with Him and the best way to do that is when we surrender to Him completely. The more clutter we have cleared in our lives and submitted to Him, the less we struggle for ourselves and the more He becomes visible in us and through us. 

I lay awake last night and asked what God wanted to say to me. Immediately the thought came to me of the words from Psalm 139: Search my heart and know me, see if I have an unholy way and lead me to the eternal way. 

I was unaware of unholy paths, but still asked God: Will You show me what is not okay in my doing or thinking? I had just read a book about sexual abuse, and noticed in myself a piece of anger towards 'men who do such things', but actually also towards men in general. Unconsciously, I had also compared myself to them, and I also saw a piece of Pharisaism: "luckily I'm not like that". I'm glad God showed me that so I could confess it and clear it up. It's not that I would have forfeited my eternal salvation otherwise, but it would affect my employability in God's Kingdom. And it makes me more susceptible to the plans of darkness. 

I had these words in my head for a few days now: Refiners Fire. That fire is not the consuming fire that the Bible also talks about, but it is the purifying fire, burning away in us what is not in line with the heart condition of Christ. "Yes Lord, here I am, let's see when there is something I need to clean up again, I want to be a clean and open channel for You."  

When I surrender to Him completely, I may know that I am In Christ in everything. Justified by Him! That makes prayers more powerful! 

Jac. 5:17b For the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and does not miss its effect. 

I was also reminded of the words: Open the gate, level the lane, that the King may enter. How do we do that? If we live a pure life, we can be more committed to bringing others into contact with God. If we are open channels to pass on God's light and love, the darkness will distance itself from that. He cannot influence that.  

Moreover, Yeshua is the door, the door of the sheepfold, through which sheep may enter. As I live more and more in the position of Being In Christ, then I too may be that door on behalf of Christ. Then I, then we, can be optimally employed in God's Kingdom, to draw others with cords of love. 

2 Thess. 3:1-5 For the rest, brothers and sisters, pray for us. Pray that the word of the Lord will spread and be praised as quickly elsewhere as it is with you. Pray also that we will be preserved from evil and wicked people, for not everyone is trustworthy. But the Lord is faithful, He will give you strength and protect you from evil. The Lord gives us confidence that you will do what we tell you to do and will continue to do so. May the Lord direct your heart to love God and steadfast faithfulness to Christ. 

Help build an ark! (by Aline)

Noah was commissioned by God to build an ark at a time when there was not yet a cloud in the sky. I think building the ark must have taken years. It had to be a sturdy and solid structure that could handle the influx of a large number of animals. This required all kinds of materials of good quality.  

Recently, I was struck by the words of Isaiah that Yeshua applies to himself in Luke 4: 18,19 He has come to announce the pleasing year of the Lord, a year of release of captives and freedom for the oppressed. Is it possible that at this time, for victims as well as perpetrators of the hideous satanic cult, God is going to give a year of grace in which many find their way to freedom?  

Many thanks for your prayers, helping to build an ark for survivors. God has provided a green light for the Hoeve, a place from which we can better build help for survivors. For this we are very grateful! Building the ark required many kinds of materials, so too did building a living community of people who together can lead many survivors to freedom. Prayer for network friends and handlers remains much needed. Pray that God will give practitioners He has in mind for this purpose a listening ear and an obedient heart. And that He will help them leave behind the idols of ease, comfort, fear and money (which so easily get a grip on us) and take their place. And pray that through this way (in the words of Isaiah 61) many freed captives and liberated oppressed will become 'oaks of salvation' or (in another translation) 'oaks of righteousness'! 

Holidays, for many people a nice time, a time of rest, no obligations for a while, travelling, making beautiful memories, enjoying, time for each other and so on. But unfortunately, this is not true for everyone. For many survivors of satanic ritual abuse (srm), holiday time is actually a very traumatic time because holidays often used to mean that the cult had free rein. In addition, they feel unsafe precisely during the holidays because their therapist and other support persons are absent. Therefore, a call to persevere in prayer for survivors of srm even during this very period.  

In this prayer letter, a survivor talks about her memories of summer. Next to it is a drawing by a survivor about summer. Next come the thanksgiving and specific prayer points for different topics and people. Finally, the prayer calendar follows. 

Summer (by a survivor)

The memories of summer are very difficult for me, this is because of the 'summer parties' (which was absolutely not a party for me) and summer camps.

First I will tell something about the summer meetings, for three days I was tortured. In my memories I hear the screams of demons, see women crawling on the ground like snakes. For me, that was the beginning of the summer holidays ... Besides, there were orgies, blood rituals, fire which was lit for someone who was burnt as a saint for Satan.

After torture, I was thrown into a musty shed and allowed to rest and eat. If someone fancied a child, I was taken out of the shed again and raped again. This went on for three days and on the fourth day someone went alive on the fire. Fortunately, it wasn't me because I was obedient, didn't cry and pretended not to care. Summer had officially begun.

It was party time, there was cheering for Satan, clapping, drinking, using, that's how summer started....


Drawing made by a survivor (2024): 'On the way to summer camp'  

Then there were the summer camps, sometimes we went abroad and sometimes we stayed in the Netherlands. It seemed cosy: during the day I was allowed to play with 'normal' children and be a child. But at night I was rudely taken out of bed. I was tied up with hands and feet and tape went over my mouth so I couldn't scream. I was taken to another cottage where there were men smoking cigars. The ropes went off my hands and feet and the tape was removed. It was cosy there, I was given some good food and a glass of children's wine. This made me a little lightheaded. My clothes came off and I was placed on a table. The men's clothes also came off, I had to satisfy them and then they started raping me. I was scared and the pain became unbearable. They were aggressive but also sweet. They went on and on, the craziest positions, I was tied up and beaten. They said all kinds of nasty things to me like, "You dirty dirty pig." This went on for weeks, every night for hours on end, I just lay there and was constantly raped and tortured.

I can remember another summer camp where there was a barn with all bunk beds. There was a campfire at night, we would sit and watch someone being sacrificed. Then when I saw another friend go, it was very painful. During these camps, we as children were drilled, hardened. You learned to do what you were made for. Terrible things happened during this camp. Different smells were there, those of sex, fire, sweat and of death. There was group sex with all the children who were there, which excited the adults. We were trained to react to sounds and to do terrible things ourselves....

Thanksgiving and answers to prayer

Farmstead 'the Inner Garden 

Good news! All the lights for the purchase of the proposed 'Hoeve' are green! There has been a last-minute breakthrough. We are very grateful to God and all the generous donors that after some very exciting months, the Hoeve can be realised.  


We are incredibly grateful that some treatments are ongoing and making progress.  

Network friends 

We are grateful that there are one to more networked friends around all those seeking help and that they are loyal.  


We are grateful to have donations coming in every month to do our work.  


We are grateful to have heard that Geertje is safe as far as she can now, and that a legal battle has been struck. 




And all that ye shall ask faithfully in prayer ye shall receive (Matthew 21:22).


Pray that donations will continue to come in to pay for the therapists' work and that the therapists will receive wisdom and strength for their work. Pray also for new practitioners, people who are eager to learn with their hearts in the right place, without secrets in their lives that could make them blackmailable, who want to learn to become trauma therapists. The more practitioners there are, the less burdensome it will be for the practitioners currently pulling this cart, so that more survivors can start this vital treatment.  

Network friends 

Pray that the people who are now network friends can remain in the love and truth of Yeshua as the help-seeker shows more and more of himself. Pray for more network friends throughout the country, there really is a very big shortage of these and sometimes literally gets in the way of getting out of the cult. 

Work by Friends of Esthers 

Pray for all the developments within Friends of Esthers. We work hard to improve diagnostics for CDIS (complex DIS) in ongoing abuse, and we work in multiple areas to spread our knowledge. For instance, there are often meetings for networkers, bidders and so on where we do knowledge transfer and where we meet. There is a lot of time and energy in this work and each step requires a lot of wisdom. We need Yeshua very much in this, for if He does not build the house, in vain do the builders toil. (Psalm 127:1) We are very much aware of this. Pray for His guidance in every step we take in every area of our work and with every person we deal with. 

Farmstead 'the Inner Garden 

We would like to ask your prayers for the finances still needed to cover the expected financial deficit around the purchase of the Hoeve. 

Prayer groups 

2 Samuel 8:14 'He laid garrisons in Edom; in all Edom he laid garrisons, and all the Edomites were subdued to David. The LORD gave David victory everywhere he went.' A garrison is a number of soldiers stationed in a specific place, originally to guard that place, but nowadays often with that place as their home base. David laid garrisons throughout Edom to protect it from enemy attacks. Let us also lay garrisons throughout; soldiers, prayers and warriors in the spiritual world. Pray for more people to stand up against injustice and fight along in the spiritual world. Find people and start praying together. Ask others to join. Start ... Yeshua will bless it!  


Continue to pray for offenders to encounter Yeshua and see what He is doing in the lives of survivors. Pray for courage and outstretched arms in their lives where they feel the safety and freedom to repent and start their lives anew. 



Geertje is safe with her parents. A trial is still pending that will determine the right of care, in which a psychiatric examination of mother will be decisive. Pray for peace and wisdom. So it is still exciting but for Geertje it is now safe. We hope that the court proceedings will be concluded for good as soon as possible.  


We are grateful for the past few months where there was improvement and peace. The process is still tough, especially being alone outside, is difficult to recent stalking behaviour. Karin also asks prayer for expansion of her network. 


Ingrid has gone through a courageous process and is no longer trying to obey the cult. This means that there are person parts that do want to go to the cult are having a very hard time because they cannot do their duties. This causes a lot of chaos and panic. Pray for a good process, where there may be room for peace and affirmations that she is on the right track. 


Humbly is a courageous practitioner who is working tirelessly to help a survivor recover. Thank God for her vigour and perseverance, and pray that He gives her what she needs for herself and to persevere and experience joy.  


Martin has had a tough time recently. It has been difficult to acknowledge and accept that he is a survivor of srm and that he has parts that react differently and have different character traits. The number of crises has reduced tremendously though and we are grateful for that. Pray for his process of recovery, for his family and for safety. 


Mirthe is grateful for her process and that she has a fine network supporting her. Pray that this will be expanded with people who want to stay and that more parts who have contacts with the cult will dare to talk and take the step to be free. 


Pray that Els receives and maintains strength and health to work as a counsellor for victims of srm. Pray that there may be good cooperation between counsellors and that she receives wisdom for the processes clients go through with her.  


Carnation is a brave practitioner who has been working with survivors for some time. Her job really matters and for help and advice she is always sympathetic. She does have poor health, though. Pray that she will keep the strength and courage to keep doing this work and feel her limits in this. Pray also for wisdom during the treatments. 


Adam is a son of a survivor who has asked for help. Happy prayer that Yeshua puts the right people around him and around his family so that he dares to (continue to) step out of this darkness. Much wisdom is needed and there are many doors for help that remain closed. Pray for open doors.  


There seemed to be tentative doors ajar to help Ismael in the future, however, there has been no progress in this. Would like your prayers for him and his parents, that these doors will open and this child may be taken out of the cult at a very young age! 


Has already had a long road where he has experienced a lot of opposition. Pray for open doors and Yeshua's guidance to bring the right people into his path so that the path to lasting freedom can be set.  


The past few months have been all about bonding and getting used to a new 'me'. The world is different, the smells, colours, tastes, everything is new and feels like an exploration, but also overwhelming. In addition to this intense phase, I increasingly get to engage with other survivors as an expert by experience. So cool to see how people are allowed to recover, but also tough to see how much suffering they too have to go through, it tears my heart apart. That is why I want to say this one more time song.


I am very grateful for the breakthrough in the intensive process around the Hoeve, and look forward to how God is going to work in lives of many precious people we hope to help towards freedom in this new phase.  

Pray for wisdom and sensitivity in continuing to build together the team coming to live at the Hoeve. Pray for discernment for prioritisation in the work, now that the need is so high and the workers still too few.  


Is a courageous woman who knows several survivors, cares for them and wants to be like a friend. She often faces spiritual struggles through this work. From Friends of Esthers, more and more tasks come her way, requiring courage and the guidance of Yeshua. Pray for protection and wisdom in the steps she takes, so that more and more survivors can be helped. 


Jan is an older toddler who shows core characteristics of severe abuse in his play behaviour and in other ways. A lot has been going on around Jan for a long time. Pray for contacts between caregivers, for protection when it comes to parental authority and that he has a safe place to grow up with proper treatment. Unfortunately, there have been no updates since the last prayer letter.  


Memories of summer camps make summer a difficult time for Laura. Pray that she will not suffer from re-experiences. Pray also that all the inner parts will gain confidence in her practitioner so that they dare to show themselves.  


Ava is a woman helping a survivor. She has problems with her health: pray Yeshua will restore her so she will have more energy to offer help to the survivor she has been involved with for a long time. 


Sarina is a medical aid worker who helps us with our work. After cancer treatment, she is recovering but still has little energy, partly because her health was poor before this. She is unable to work; it affects her life a lot. Pray that her condition and her whole body will recover so that she can continue to serve helpers. 


A lot has happened in the past period and a lot is still happening, both inside and outside at Ladybird. She is grateful to God for the strides she is making, but it is also really tough. So the challenge is to find a good balance in all this and not let the gap between the worlds get too big. In addition, despite her psychologist's help, she often feels lonely and alone in her process. She needs people coming her way, who understand what is going on with her and can support her in this. She is now in the process of intake at Friends of Esthers. This is very exciting/involved for various reasons. Pray for God's guidance and closeness in this whole process.  


Pray for survivors who cannot be named for various reasons. Pray that they may know that they are valuable to Yeshua, pray that they will learn that there are people who can be trusted and above all that Yeshua is safe and is always with them. Pray that Yeshua will put safe people around them so that there will be opportunities for them to recover from what has been done to them.  

Other survivors still waiting 

We are in contact with several help seekers and because of the application freeze, we cannot help everyone right now. Pray for wisdom for us for the applications that are already ongoing. For proper diagnostics and for the right doors to the right help. Pray that more churches will dare to open their doors to this group. Pray that those who have to wait for help will find courage and strength to persevere and not give up or will find another place where they can be helped. That the great arms of Yeshua will carry them too. 

Prayer calendar

Cult dates with times of rituals and additional information and prayer points 

It is very intensive for survivors to surface specific information about each cult night, because each cult meeting is associated with many horrible memories, which then come to the surface. It has therefore not been possible to get sufficient clarity on the specific times of all days. The times of 01.00 - 03.00 are not always fully covered: the cult often goes on longer and sometimes starts earlier. For days where no time is given, keep 01.00 - 03.00 as a guideline. For certain cult groups, Friday night is fixed cult night. Friday is therefore a day that is extra tough for many survivors.  

Days like new moon and full moon are days when the cult comes together extra and the intensity is heavier. Pray that these nights will be disrupted and the spiritual power they experience will be powerless. (Note: if it says June 22, it refers to the night of June 21-22.) 

21-23 June Summer meetings 

Cult nights around summer time: the nights of 20 - 21, 21 - 22 and 22 - 23 June. 

Times: the first two from 01.00 - 03.00, the last from 01.00 - 06.00. 

Satanic summer cult gatherings last for three days. In each local cult, one child is tortured (the same child) during these three days. These may be (many) previously kidnapped children or children who are already in the cult's grip because they belong to the core families. Or because they grow up unregistered in the cult's clutches. The final night takes place in a national gathering that is not open to all local members. On this night, from the children who have been tortured for three days, one child is chosen to be sacrificed to Satan. That child is burned alive.  

This last night in particular is also dominated by summoning and directing demons. Through the child sacrifice, the power of satanic prayers is stronger; the cult uses this to increase their influence in the 'ordinary' world.  

June 22 is full moon so extra heavy. 

July 1 to 7 cult meetings. Times: from 01.00 - 03.00, except 6 and 7 July (see below for times).  

This cult week is extra tough for survivors. A week of torture and rape is leaden, but the fact that then your friends and/or family mostly talk about fine holidays they are going to do or days away and are less available makes one feel a great loneliness. Pray that network friends will be alert to this loneliness and be especially vigilant during these holiday weeks. 6 July 01.00 - 04.00 (this night is also new moon so extra heavy) Pray for corporeal protection. 

6 - 7 July 22.30 - 04.30 hours  

Praying for corporeal protection. 

July 20 - 27: During this week 21 July full moon so extra heavy. 

The last two nights are the toughest. The first nights are roughly from 00:00 - 03:00 and the last two from 01:00 - 06:00. It starts with kidnappings and ends with a sacrifice of a woman, adult (over 12). The days in between are mainly sex parties with babies and children and all that goes with it, there is a climax on the sixth day, at this demons come, who also inspect and 'hopefully' approve the 'sacrifice'. If not, additional sacrifices and rituals are performed. 

The one sacrificed on the seventh day gives her life for the sanctification of the group. It helps Satanism become stronger in their experience. For survivors, this day is tough: with possible memories of kidnappings on the sixth day and the seventh day with the living sacrifice which is terrible to see. Real prayer is needed for those in the cult though. Pray that the kidnappings cannot continue, that there is protection, Yeshua is there, despite the darkness and that they are disturbed and cannot carry out their plans. Pray also that Christians can feel and see this spiritual event so that they can pray for it directly. This week is a week of grabbing more territory for Satan. We can prevent this if we know he is doing this! 

1 August  

This is a special date for the cult. Because of this, the times will be at least from 00.00 to 05.00.   

On 1 August, the cult celebrates the territory they have conquered and honours those who have made a vital contribution in this. A new plan is presented with goals for the coming year. For survivors, it is a reward-punishment day. If you have contributed in conquering a territory, such as a church, you will be rewarded. If you have not done so, you undergo penance which consists of severe torture. 

3 August 01.00 - 03.00 

4 August new moon 01:00 - 03:00 

19 August full moon 01.00 - 03.00 


Will you continue to pray with us?

Esther, Aline and Janita


This prayer letter may be distributed widely, especially in churches. 'My people perish for lack of knowledge',
says the Bible (Hosea 4:6). Let us then look away no more. Let us fix our eyes on Yeshua and injustice, and let us embrace those caught in it and take them before the throne of God!
For more information on satanic ritual abuse, see e.g.







NB: the above highly informative documentaries have unfortunately been taken offline by Argos, but can still be found elsewhere on the internet for those who do a quick search.

For whom and by whom?
This prayer letter is for any Christian who wants to join in prayer based on good information. It is an initiative of Esther, Aline and Janita. Esther was born into a church family that worshipped Satan and has struggled to break free from the grip of this cult. Aline professionally helps survivors of satanic ritual abuse step out of this cult and come to recovery physically, emotionally and spiritually. Janita is active in prayer work around srm and recently became a survivor's practitioner.

If you know people who might be interested in joining us in prayer, please feel free to forward this letter and the prayer points. If you no longer wish to receive this prayer letter and the prayer points, an email back will suffice.


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!