
A Gideon's Army Prayer Letter around satanic ritual abuse

The purpose of this prayer letter is to initiate a prayer movement in the Netherlands and abroad to free victims from the shackles of satanic ritual abuse.

In addition, to make people aware of the existence of satanic networks under the surface of our Western society. So that a network of passionate people gradually emerges to offer spiritual and practical support to victims (and hopefully perpetrators) who choose freedom.

In this prayer letter, Esther talks about her war around the choices other people make and/or made and a son of a survivor writes a piece about Fright Nights. Then, a faithful prayer shares her dream she got before praying (during a (cult) night). This is followed by thanksgiving and specific prayer points for different topics, and finally, the prayer calendar for the coming period.

When getting out is war and people around you make choices that make your war harder... (by Esther)

Thinking about a new piece for this prayer letter, I run through my previously written pieces. Years of notes of my process pass by. The struggles and pain, the despair and victories, I come across so much.

Now, as every year, we face the eve of Halloween and St Martin's and many other cult days. I open a document from over two years ago called 'Burnt by Fire'. On opening it, I assume it is a piece about the burnt offerings during one of these days, but as I read, I find myself in a painful bit of diary about my process in which I struggled with people who are not yet very familiar with the cult and what their comments do to me. Along with this comes my own struggle with my own flesh.

Haughtiness was lurking. After all, people do need the opportunity to be able to learn, and in this I may also learn to give love and grace instead of condemnation. But when people respond now with words that they can't do something, that it will cost them a holiday day or that something like Halloween Fright Nights (if you don't know it, google it or read the piece by a son of a survivor in this newsletter) must be possible, I still feel that same fierce fire inside me from when I wrote that piece.

I think back to when I was still getting out. It was Halloween and, of course, I had to show up in a meeting at the cult. If I didn't, the consequences were immense. For me, it was not about missing a holiday or money, but it could cost me or a loved one's life or I was horribly raped when they could catch me the day after.

In my war, there was no room to grow and learn quietly or leave room in my choice(s) to go or not go, or to say "I don't feel like it". Then that could cost me or another person's life. Often I hear people say "I can't do it". Then sometimes it may well be big things, but not things that could cost them their life, like in the moments when I relive the burnt feeling again. I have million times thought and sometimes said "I can't do it", but the choice not to do it either was just not there (away). If I had done "I can't", I would have been dead or I would still be killing and raping in the cult. "I can't", does not exist within my spectrum of choices, because together with God, we can do it. At least when it is what He asks of us.

Again, I think about the intense control and fear ties of the cult, which are so incredibly strong. The only one who can loosen these bonds is Yeshua and the only ones who can help with this at the depth needed are sincere people who seek Yeshua, profess His love, persevere, extend grace and pray. This is my prayer for you, reader of this prayer letter, that you will feel intensely motivated to struggle in prayer for those who alone - without the support of others - have to constantly make 'choices' with huge consequences, which intensely hurt and traumatise them. What a support and example it is for them to see and experience that Christians around them are truly living with Yeshua and following a straight path in their own lives. Not hobnobbing with Satan by going to dark parties or otherwise allowing or downplaying evil in their lives. Together with Yeshua, there is a way, but it is not from the easy chair, but on their knees and hands to Him, the Only One who saves!

Below is the piece from over two years ago, to which I refer:

Burn in the fire (by Esther written April 2022)

A comment, like a flaming arrow hits my heart and it hurts. I feel bitterness and anger rising and notice that what I am feeling right now is not good. Choosing to let those feelings come is the easiest thing to do, but what about when I have these feelings from imperfection. From damage I've suffered over the years. Should I then trust these feelings and allow myself to be pulled along with whatever comes up. I notice it daily, I see it happening with other survivors too. Normally there were parts there that carried the feeling and allowed us to bear it and tolerate it and live through it. Now those parts are no longer separate from me and I continue to feel it. The choice then to choose to do the right thing and ignore the feeling is painful. I choose to put whatever is there then with Yeshua and let what remains come to me. Like walking through a furnace of fire, my whole insides are on fire, but when I come out, I get pure feelings. Even though it feels far away from anything I was ever used to, I can then make choices that are the right ones. I note that most of the choices are not the easiest or still hurt me for a while. But that pain is my flesh. My human flesh which is struggling to die.

For the past few weeks, I have continuously made choices this way. Together with Yeshua, no matter how it felt or what it cost, this was the only way. I notice that I am developing and discovering my identity through this. Purely going off and doing what is right and then whatever else there is of pain, anger, not understanding, sadness, unwillingness, I keep until I give time to process in it. It is then allowed to be there and I learn to reflect on what I actually feel about it. Am I allowed to feel? But then the choice is made. Is this the way to live or am I actually still cut up? I heard someone say the other day that she couldn't do something. It was simply about wanting to engage with someone on a complicated subject. The first thing that comes to mind is how can you say you couldn't do something, do you know at what times I would have wanted to use that escape? Almost all my life.

But I settle down. The feelings I park and I ask Yeshua what He would do I this situation. Always there is a voice of love, truth and justice. It helps me to act well in such a situation. Later, the emotions are allowed to be there for a while, I can cry about it, be angry about it for a while, but they don't find a hook in my soul. It is my flesh that has to scream for a moment. We are capable of more than most people think. If we were to live this way, that together with Yeshua we can handle everything God gives us to do, will our choices be different?

Fright Nights: the dark party that draws humanity to itself (by a son of a survivor)

It is 31 October, I hear that my friend is going to Fright Nights, the Halloween 'party' at Walibi amusement park. He tells me about it, how he walks around there and how it gives him a thrill to be scared off by dressed-up clowns and horror actors. He can have a near-death experience in one of the rides here, after signing a declaration of no liability, by being strapped to a stretcher by his hands and feet. After this, people proceed to operate on him as if, with the operation going wrong and him being declared dead. After this, you are driven into a cold room with a card around your toes, after which you go to your own funeral. The incinerator comes next. You lie in a small room where you are mega-scared by a horror actor and at the end you end up in hell where there is fire and Satan. The exit is an exit from a company with rubbish, which makes you think you have been dumped on the street and for a moment you think you have gone mad. End of attraction.

While my friend sits there partying to dark music and having a near death experience in one of the rides, other people are severely abused and undergo a real near death experience they cannot choose for themselves. By indulging in such parties and activities, you consent to Satan grabbing a piece of your soul. It is a dark party you don't want to go to once you know what powers are behind it.

I ponder. "What are we as a world doing now?" Twenty thousand visitors go to Fright Nights every year, while for other people Halloween has huge consequences. Then I think of Yeshua who gave His own life for everyone. For all the people who are so loved, unique and special.

Ephesians 6:12: 'Our struggle is not against men but against heavenly princes, the rulers and powers of darkness, against the evil spirits in the heavenly spheres.' The world seems to be getting darker and darker, when God is so eager to save everyone on this earth. But Yeshua is stronger than any power of darkness. He conquered death on the cross and we in Christ are more than conquerors. So let us break free from the dark celebrations that can seem normal. As brothers and sisters, let us warn each other about these feasts.

John 1:5: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not taken hold of it. So stand up, be a living warrior for true faith. There are so many people who need you and me to choose Yeshua. So be a light bearer and tell as many people as you can about Yeshua during your time on earth. Now is the time, we don't know when He is coming back. You can make a difference!


From a faithful bidder

Before we started praying, I had a dream (again) in which intense fear overtook me, I think as an additional prompting in prayer and an image of srm.

I was with I, M and M in a room where a horror film was on in which, among other things, a woman was hanged and suddenly the main perpetrator from the film entered our room and grabbed one of us. I screamed and shrieked out in terror and such intense fear overwhelmed me. Then I was left alone and tried to get out of that room which succeeded and then I found myself in a church building. There was Y and he gave me something to drink and he was all in the Lord, but the people in that church were unaware of what was happening a little further away. When I woke up I was really reminded of srm. That in the cult you are in a living horror movie, where there is so much intense fear. In the churches, very few people care for you and comfort you. They are unaware of this evil.

"Lord, I pray from the bottom of my heart: save the victims, survivors and perpetrators from these living horror films. Save them from the cult. From the clutches of evil. Take their intense fear from them. Give them people around them, surrounding them with love, comfort and a listening ear. Lord open Your children's eyes to this reality. That victims and survivors may know themselves heard and seen, by people and above all by You. You drive out all fear Lord. Your Love drives out all fear." Philippians 1:28 "and that you do not let your opponents frighten you in any way. To them this is a clear sign of destruction, but to you of salvation, and that from God.

Further reading:

If you want to read more about Halloween and Saint Martin, the period of this prayer letter, read our prayer letter from last year with more information about it: No 7. Week of prayer, Halloween and St Martin's Day 2023 - Light on Life



Farmstead 'the Inner Garden

We are grateful that a concrete location has come our way where we can accommodate survivors and expand our work. From mid-August, we will start renovations at this location and not much later start our work for and with survivors.


We are incredibly grateful that multiple treatments are ongoing.

Network friends

We are grateful that there are one to more networked friends around all those seeking help and that they are loyal.


We are grateful to have donations coming in every month to do our work.



And all that ye shall ask faithfully in prayer ye shall receive (Matthew 21:22).


Pray that for the work of practitioners, donations will continue to come in to fund it and that practitioners will receive wisdom and strength for their work. We still need more practitioners.

Network friends

Pray that the people who are now network friends will endure to be able to be friends, while the person seeking help shows more and more of themselves. Pray for more network friends throughout the country, there really is a very big shortage of these and sometimes literally gets in the way of getting out of the cult. Specifically, we are looking for networkers in the broad surroundings of Amsterdam, Alkmaar, Zwolle and Utrecht.


Work by Friends of Esthers

Pray for all the developments within Friends of Esthers. We work hard to improve diagnostics for CDIS (complex DIS) in ongoing abuse, and we work in multiple areas to spread our knowledge. These include frequent meetings for networkers, bidders and so on where we do knowledge transfer and where we meet. There is a lot of time and energy in this work and each step requires a lot of wisdom. We need Yeshua very much in this, if He does not build the house, in vain toil the builders (Psalm 127:1). We are very much aware of this. Pray for His guidance with every step we take in every area of our work and with every person we deal with.


Finance for the Inner Garden

We will definitely start the Hoeve. A place where survivors can safely work on their traumas, so they can and dare get out. Our project still needs a lot of money to make the site so that we can use it to its full potential. Pray for finances, builders and building materials for the barn so we can convert it into an office and training/meeting space to see clients, train practitioners and networkers and meet together in a safe place.


Prayer groups

2 Samuel 8:14 'He laid garrisons in Edom; in all Edom he laid garrisons, and all the Edomites were subdued to David. The LORD gave David victory everywhere he went.' A garrison is a number of soldiers stationed in a specific place, originally to guard that place, but nowadays often with that place as their home base. David laid garrisons throughout Edom to protect it from enemy attacks. Let us also lay garrisons throughout; soldiers, prayers and warriors in the spiritual world. Pray for more people to stand up against injustice and fight along in the spiritual world. Find people and start praying together. Ask others to join. Start ... Yeshua will bless it!



Continue to pray for offenders to encounter Yeshua and see what He is doing in the lives of survivors. Pray for courage and outstretched arms in their lives where they feel the safety and freedom to repent and start their lives anew.



Carnation is a brave practitioner who has been working with survivors for some time. Her job really matters and for help and advice she is always sympathetic. She does have poor health, though. Pray that she will keep the strength and courage to keep doing this work and feel her limits in this. Pray also for wisdom during the treatments.


Martin is a help-seeker at Friends of Esthers. His process is intense and has a lot of impact on himself and those around him. Pray that person parts remain safe and that more and more parts choose the way of Yeshua. We are grateful for breakthroughs in his treatment and pray for a larger network around his family.


Adam is a son of a survivor. Eager prayer that Yeshua puts the right people around him and around his family so that he dares to step out of this darkness. Much wisdom is needed and Yeshua will have to be the one to open the right doors and make his heart willing.


Ismael is a grandchild of a survivor and experiences abuse in his early years. Unfortunately, there is no access to help him be and stay safe until now. Pray for open doors and for parents to address opportunities for exit!


Myrthe is working hard on her process. Pray that her resilience will increase and she will gain more insight and contact with her inner parts. Pray that she will be and stay safe and out of the hands of the cult and that if something does happen, she will have the courage to share it. Pray also for her children who are still trapped in the cult; that there will be open doors for this to free them too!


Has already had a long road where he has faced a lot of opposition. Pray for open doors and Yeshua's guidance to bring the right people into his path so that the path to lasting freedom can be set.


She recently had her intake at Friends of Esthers, which was very tough to do alongside her work. The intake brought out a lot, which was good but also intense. In the coming period, she will work with us to expand her network. Pray for Yeshua's guidance and His nearness in this whole process and for a good work-life balance.


Is a brave social worker taking great strides to recover from the cult. This process is leaden for her, with her experiencing feelings of deep rejection and belonging nowhere - and with no one. Pray that Yeshua may meet her and that she may know and feel that she is wanted and loved by Him and by people around her. Recently, she has made great strides in her process. For this we are very grateful!


Pray that Laura will start learning that she may love herself and all her parts. It is also important that she will start learning that the Good Shepherd loves her and all her parts and that she may take refuge with Him. Pray for peace in her inner world and that she will learn that there are people who can be trusted. Pray for her process of recovery and for safety.


Over the past few months, my process has continued. Deep traumas that deal with betrayal are intensely heavy, but necessary to process, and that is exactly what I continue to do. Besides my own process, I try to use my experience for others, in which I experience Yeshua's guidance and presence every time. For this I am intensely grateful! Pray for wisdom and strength to continue to be able to cope with this process and to be there in love and with an eye for the other. Song for this period.


The past few months have been intense when it comes to the developments of the Hoeve and now a new phase of working in multiple locations to pull survivors out of the cult. Yeshua has everything in His hand and is building this house; I am grateful to be a collaborator in this. Pray for renewed strength, an abundance of love and moments of relaxation for the period ahead.


Humbly is a brave woman who has been helping a survivor for decades. All these years, she and many others have tried many ways to help this person, but experience many of these attempts as failures. Since a few months, with the help of Friends of Esthers, she has become a practitioner and is learning hard how to help the survivor even better and with success! Pray that she gets and keeps wisdom, courage and strength to keep doing this tough process. Let us all spiritually stand around people like Humbly.



Is a courageous woman who knows several survivors, cares for them and wants to be like a friend. She often faces spiritual struggles through this work. From Friends of Esthers, more and more tasks come her way, requiring courage and the guidance of Yeshua. Pray for protection and wisdom in the steps she takes, so that more and more survivors can be helped.


Jan is an older toddler who shows core characteristics of severe abuse in his play behaviour and in other ways. A lot has been going on around Jan for a long time. Pray for contacts between caregivers, for protection when it comes to parental authority and that he has a safe place to grow up with appropriate treatment.


Els is a brave practitioner who has been working for survivors of ritual abuse for years. Pray for strength and courage to continue and for support around her. Pray for good cooperation between parties she deals with and for wisdom and insight during treatments.


No update is known about Geertje. As soon as prayer points come up for her, we will include them in the prayer letter.


Karin has stopped the journey at Friends of Esthers at this time. We cannot share more about this, but would like to ask you to continue to include her in prayer.


Sarina is a medical aid worker who helps us with our work. After cancer treatment, she is recovering but still has little energy, partly because her health was poor before this. She is unable to work; it affects her life a lot. Pray that her condition and her whole body will recover so that she can continue to serve helpers.


Pray for survivors who cannot be named for various reasons. Pray that they may know that they are valuable to Yeshua, pray that they will learn that there are people who can be trusted and above all that Yeshua is safe - and always with them. Pray that Yeshua will put safe people around them so that there will be opportunities to recover from what has been done to them.

Other survivors still waiting


We are in contact with several help seekers and because of the application freeze, we cannot help everyone right now. Pray for wisdom for us for the applications that are already ongoing. For proper diagnostics and for the right doors for the right help. Churches that dare to open their doors to this group. Pray that those who have to wait for help will find courage and strength to persevere, not give up or find another place where they can be helped. That the great arms of Yeshua will carry them too.

Prayer calendar

Cult dates with times of rituals and additional information and prayer points

It is very intensive for survivors to surface specific information about each cult night because each cult gathering is associated with many horrible memories, which then come to the surface. It is therefore did not manage to get sufficient clarity on the specific times of all days. The times from 01.00 - 03.00 hours are not always full coverage: the cult often goes on longer and sometimes starts earlier. On days where no time at is given as a guideline 01.00 - 03.00. For certain cult groups, Friday night is regular cult night. The Friday is therefore a day that is especially tough for many survivors.

Days like new moon and full moon are days when the cult comes together extra and the intensity is heavier is. Pray that these nights will be disrupted and the spiritual power they experience will be powerless.

(Note: if it says September 3, it refers to the night of September 2 to 3).

September 3 new moon 01.00 - 03.00 am

7 September 01.00 - 04.00

18 September full moon 01.00 - 03.00 am

19 - 20 September 23.00 - 06.00

Night with preparation for a special sacrifice and the sacrifice around 5 o'clock (climax).

23 September 01.00 - 04.00 hours

2 October new moon 01.00 - 03.00

13 October 01.00 - 03.00 reverse of 31 October

17 October full moon 01.00 - 03.00

24 on 25 October (Start is on 24 October at 22:31 with climax between 01:00 - 04:00)

This night marks the start of the Halloween heyday. There is a cult ceremony, a kind of start-up initiation week, where the most important thing is for everyone to be focused on the purpose of Halloween. Honouring the dead, the right sacrifices (read innocent babies) in order to gain favour with Satan. The starting ceremony, as in this night, takes place regionally in many groups across the country. An offering of a child under 2 years old. After the ceremony, there is an orgy meeting between the children and the adults. Pray For disrupting ceremonies across the country. Pray for hope for the victims. This week lasts endless and is unbearable without drugs and pain. Pray that Yeshua is near and makes ways out. For Him is After all, nothing is impossible!

25 on 26 October normal ceremony times from 01.00 - 04.00

This night is a preparation for Halloween night. Children are told that these days it is on to how 'good' they are and that they are potentially going to be sacrificed. The brainwashing of this begins - and as a child believe more and more this week that - when you are chosen to be sacrificed, you are special and matter. You are used to interact with demons and the group members. You are raped multiple times and either honoured or left as trash for a few hours, giving you a good sense of which group you belong to: the good guys or the bad. This evening ends with orgies, where sex with babies and toddlers is not shunned. Pray for the children, that they feel the security of a God who cares for them, is always there for them, in the midst of these darkness. This really is possible and I have experienced it myself. Let us pray that every child may have this certainty, deep within his/ her heart, which cannot be taken away!

26 on 27 October normal ceremony times from 01.00 - 04.00

This night is a preparation, mainly focused on interaction with demons. Demons become invited to have sex with children laid out in a circle. The adults who then may rape, believe power is derived from sex with children 'impregnated' by demons are. The children are also screened and watched, and sometimes they are already chosen which child will be sacrificed be later this week. Pray for a countermovement in the spiritual world. Pray for the demons to take the children of Yeshua (every child is His) cannot intrude and that God's power and might is known, there in the midst in that circle.

27 on 28 October normal ceremony from 01.00 - 04.00, after which services will continue continuously at 04.28 at different locations).

This is the last 'normal' evening during Halloween week. Preparations continue, with children getting ready for the big climax. They start believing more and more that they are important to Satan and try with all their might to gain more moments in esteem. This makes them feel safer and more worth. However, the opposite is true. The one who fights hard to be good enough, but in the eyes of of the cult is not, will be sacrificed. Pray for these children that they will know the real truth deep within their inside. The truth that there is a God who loves them, cares for them and - when they don't survive - waiting for them. A God who can give outcome, a way out, even if it is invisible. Pray they will feel, and above all, know that there are those who know this injustice and plead for their freedom with God the Father.

28 on 29 October (The previous night at 04:28 a.m. the continuous meetings have already started and also during the day not stopped. From this night, the meeting from 01:00 to 04:00 every night is mandatory).

This day is a day to prepare for the Halloween night of October 31-November 1. There will be children be recruited, childbirth induced and people chosen to be sacrificed on the holy night. Pray for the survivors that they may feel hope. Light in this darkness. Adults and children who from the birth are in the cult, are obliged to come on such high days. I know about myself how I am around Halloween was looking for a way out to avoid having to go. Being very sick, people suddenly visiting came, very very sometimes there were 'coincidences' that even cult could not force me to go. Pray for possibilities and opportunities not to have to experience these nights. Pray that their preparations in the light brought and exposed, rendering their preparations hopeless.

29 on 30 October 01.00 - 04.00

30 on 31 October 01.00 - 04.00

This day and night is also dominated by preparations for Halloween night. Once again children recruit and induce childbirth. Pray for the mothers for whom it is not possible to actually be mothers are. Who are not given the opportunity to hold, protect and cherish their baby in their arms. They must allow against all their natural feelings and watch their baby being bestially sacrificed, by another or by themselves. Pray for their recovery and that they may trust Yeshua for their baby cares and they have a much better life with Him.

Demons are summoned, asked to be favourable to them. Sacrifices are made to gain more space in the get/earn spiritual world. All this is done through the sacrifice of a newborn. Pray that this night the demons have no room to move. That any possibility of their manifestation is prevented and that Yeshua intervenes with His mighty Light and power.

31 October to 1 November this is Halloween night, the high tide night and will last until 10 o'clock in the morning (from November 1) November 1 is new moon; this night is extra heavy.

During this night, several rituals are done, which include the rape of children by demons, later by those present. Offering babies and children born and recruited this week, after which their bodies are burned and violent manifestations take place in the minds and bodies of the attendees what gives them a 'kick' to want more of this dark world. Pray for disruption of the ceremonies across the country (and beyond). Pray for exposure in the world of these dark practices: the darkness must turn into light. Pray for the victims, for supernatural protection, that Yeshua will be present, take away their fears and give them peace. Pray for the perpetrator-perpetrators. That they may see where they are doing, but also that they see ways to ask for help.

Pray that the church of Christ will be willing and ready to take in these people too, to help them, the way of Yeshua and can show endless mercy and patience, so that they really will and can follow.

1 - 4 November the Halloween climax is over, but the misery for the victims is not yet. The one that it have 'saved', still have tough days ahead in which there will be distinctions of good, less good and bad children and adults. Each will have to earn grace again in the coming months, again using Christmas as a benchmark. The cult is a place where achievement and obedience central, held together by bonds of fear. Only the love of Yeshua and His light can put in this change. 

11 November 00.00 - 04.00 Saint Martin (see also here)

This is a specific festival in which a fire sacrifice is done. A person, usually a young woman is made alive burnt on a fire after worshipping demons.

15 November full moon 01.00 - 03.00

Will you continue to pray with us?

Esther, Aline and Janita

This prayer letter may be distributed widely, especially in churches. 'My people perish for lack of knowledge',
says the Bible (Hosea 4:6). Let us then look away no more. Let us fix our eyes on Yeshua and injustice, and let us embrace those caught in it and take them before the throne of God!
For more information on satanic ritual abuse, see e.g. 

NB: the above highly informative documentaries have unfortunately been taken offline by Argos, but can still be found elsewhere on the internet for those who do a quick search.

For whom and by whom?
This prayer letter is for any Christian who wants to join in prayer based on good information. It is an initiative of Esther, Aline and Janita. Esther was born into a church family that worshipped Satan and has struggled to break free from the grip of this cult. Aline professionally helps survivors of satanic ritual abuse step out of this cult and come to recovery physically, emotionally and spiritually. Janita is active in prayer work around srm and recently became a survivor's practitioner.

If you know people who might be interested in joining us in prayer, please feel free to forward this letter and the prayer points. If you no longer wish to receive this prayer letter and the prayer points, an email back will suffice.


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!