
No 7. Week of prayer, Halloween and St Martin's Day 2023

A Gideon's army: prayer letter around satanic ritual abuse



Psalm 89:15 'Justice and right are the fundament of Your throne, Goodness and faithfulness go before Thy face out'.

God's throne is built on justice and right: so important are law and justice before God. His throne would falter if God compromised or would turn away from perfect justice and right. He is good honour and faithfulness. Goodness is goodness that expresses itself to others, where faithfulness is very important. What about us? His righteousness, law, kindness and faithfulness important to us? Do we stand up for justice and right? Do we good to other people and we are loyal to other

Standing up for justice and right can be done by unmasking evil, raising awareness, among other things create around srm in our society, pray, start prayer groups, become partcreate a social network around a survivor or otherwise provide assistance to survivorsfresh. More people are needed so that more survivors can be helped.

And we get to do it together; in Nehemiah we read that the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem was carried out by a group of people. All the people involved in rebuilding the wall were ready day and night. They did not even take off their clothes! (Nehemiah 4:23) They did it together and gave themselves one hundred per cent. Similarly, we may also give ourselves one hundred per cent to the Lord and to the task He has given us Lord and we may do it together. We see the same thing in the Bible book Esther; she called on the Jews to join her in fasting for three days.

Bring it up in prayer and ask the Lord what task He has for you Lord. Here are some verses from the Bible that encourage and exhort us to do what God asks of us.

2 Chronicles 15:7: 'You therefore, be strong and do not lose heart, for there is reward according to your work'.

Colossians 3:23-24: "And everything you do, do it wholeheartedly, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as retribution, for you serve the Lord Christ.

In this prayer letter, first, a number of survivors, among others, tell about Halloween and St Martin's Day and call for prayer and fasting around Halloween. Then Carla tells something about a monument and a day of remembrance. Then points of thanksgiving and answers to prayer are discussed, followed by specific prayer points for different subjects and people. Finally, the dates with the times of the various cult meetings are named with information about them so that targeted prayers can be offered.

Halloween and Saint Martin

Halloween is one of the high days in the satanic cult world. During the gatherings around Halloween, demons are invoked, many sexual abuse rituals take place and child sacrifices are made to Satan. In the period surrounding Halloween (mainly from 24 October to 1 November), children may be abducted and used as sacrifices during Halloween and hideous rituals take place. A lot of innocent blood flows to invoke as much darkness as possible.

Survivors, who have experienced these satanic rituals and abuse first-hand, survived it and have now escaped from the cult, experience holy struggles during (the period surrounding) Halloween. They suffer from re-experiences, traumatic memories and spiritual struggles.

We call on you to join us in prayer for a week (from October 24 to November 1) and in prayer and fasting for the last three days (from October 29, 10:00 am to November 1, 10:00 am) to stand in the breach for victims and survivors of satanic ritual abuse. We want to invoke God and beg Him to intervene during these hideous atrocities taking place in the satanic cult. Immeasurable power is released when we pray and fast. Several examples of this are found in the Bible: in the Bible book of Esther, we read that the entire Jewish people were spared after they fasted for three days and nights. In the time of Jonah, the entire city of Nineveh went into prayer and fasting, thus the city was spared. Yeshua prayed and fasted while He walked on earth, He is a powerful example for us in this too!

From Esther (on Halloween)

Worshiping the dead is at the heart of these days. Death as a force to raise itself higher in this dreadfulke, dark, spiritual world. Meanwhile, I have not had to experience Halloween in the cult, I am free. But when I think back to all those years when escape was not possible from that horrible 'party' then I am reminded of the hundreds of little lives that breathed their last there, also one of my children, whom I last saw there. I am reminded of the immense struggle to want to survive, the hopelesslyheath as inferior and the gigantic demonic activities that are allowed to run their free course.

How much hope I could have felt had I known that there were people, a countermovement in prayer, to To fight this spiritual battle. To fight on my side. I had seen the power of Jeshua, it had made a difference. That tiny glimmer of hope would have lit up my heart for a moment when I had seen That the demons were not completely free. A glimmer of hope, along with the millions of other glimmers of hope at other times. With that, Jeshua had shown me that He exists and knows a way out. Every glimmer you closer to freedom. I am so grateful that there are people like you who want to pray and fast with me. Who wanting to stand up for people like me who have fought in the deepest darkness to stay alive. You may not always see the effect it has, but believe me: the prayer of a righteous person achieves much, by being granted power. (Jac. 5:16) For Him, nothing is impossible! Let us then be a great gehave praise and make a difference! (Matt 17:19-21)

To get through the week of Halloween prayerfully and fasting, the following information may help you. It is good not to look away from the evil dark world that many people and especially children are caught up in sit. It is necessary for you to see it, know it and be moved by it. It is necessary that no one more looking away. It does happen and looking away certainly doesn't change it, except that it hurts terribly for the survivor to be left alone and abandoned again. Let us face the injustice togetherKnow and see what Jeshua is going to change in this! Only His love heals and drives out all fear.

To read more about Halloween, see:

From M.

For me as a survivor, Halloween is the most harrowing and heartbreaking night of the year. I lost my baby in 1993 when I was 15: this baby had come out of abuse and was killed by abuse. On my 15, when I was a child myself, I lost my right to have a family of my own. I am now 45 and living with complex conditions on my back and mental health problems. Now I no longer want to have a family of my ownam. That particular night, 30 years ago, I became a mother. I did not take my baby daughter home in my arms, but she lives in my heart. Every day I think of you, baby Lavender.

From Esther

"November 11 is the day, that my light, that my light, November 11 is the day, that my light may burn..... "

Who doesn't know the song? The song you would sing along the doors as a child to get a sweet in returngene. Is it harmless? Can your child just participate in it? What origin does it have? In the cult, we learned on 11 November something completely different, but the triggers are so great with this St Martin's Day, that disconnecting fails when I see the children walking past the doors with their lights in their hands. They are happy when they get a sweet and as soon as they have the chance, they quickly eat it.

Bonfires are being held in some places. The highest is in the news and the people therestanding around them, seem to be enjoying these festivities.

I go back in my memories as soon as I see or hear any of these things. It takes me back to the evening of 10 November where we have to walk around a bonfire like children, with a lantern in our hands. Naked. The adult men and women stand around it and make noises when we as children walking around. Each in the same rhythm, without looking up, waiting for the high word to be called by our leader in red.

The high word comes out and we all stand s l. The leader's finger 'thankfully' does not point at me. It girl pointed out, wants to run away, but is stopped and she is put on the bonfire, which is we call sacrificial fire here, burned alive. Saint Martin started ...

The night is all about fertility. Demons are invited and allowed into the bodies of us girls and women and after this the men come and rape us. The intention is to create pregnancies wake up.

After sleeping for a few hours during the day, the hunt for pheasants begins in the meadows where farmers grow their crops keep. I may get the shot pheasants, but they shoot al jd once on purpose right next to me to make me scare. After a sexual orgy, I am allowed to go home and at school everyone asks how many sweets I have onextracted ...

From Rosa

Halloween and Saint Martin, two heavily occult atunions. At Halloween, many babies aremurder from me too. Satan kicks at blood. He wants that as few people as possible get to heaven, Halloween is the festival of the dead. People wear skeleton costumes and other horror outfits. It is a seasonal change. The occult is very active then. You can then think of witches, black and white magic, satanists, freemasonry, reiki and all kinds of occult dingene. Saint Martin comes across as more innocent but it is not. You open yourself up to the supernatural of the enemy. You get sweets and treats but there In return, you get occult gifts. Many sweets and tangerines seem quite harmless but the rituals performed with bezwerings and chanting make the child who is attached to it participated has created an opening for the occult. We also frequented the police bureau because they had the tastiest sweets there which you could choose from. Pray for a faithful policepower and that the LEBZ be dissolved. All matters with characteristics of ritual abuse, are until now toe dismissed.

Exit (by Esther)

Surrounded by bonds I am bound, nowhere to go.

I try so hard not to make mistakes and make my heart more and more like stone.

I no longer know what is right and wrong, I just switch off my whole conscience.

I follow the other around me, who tells me what to do, I do what he says, as soon as he whistles.

My own will is nowhere to be found anymore, just the thoughts I am doing everything wrong.

Even better listening and paying attention is the answer, silence really is gold here.

If then my bonds of guilt are broken more and more and my heart accepts forgiveness little by little.

Do I panic, I don't know the way. The faithful other, his advice, worth so much.

When then my memories rise like weeds, my feelings no longer find a way in regulation. Do I hear my Father's voice there, saying, I am here, come my child.

In my Father's arms, I find peace and joy time and again. In my Father's arms, all my feelings may go there.

Step by step more healing, step by step more and more free.

During all those steps, Yeshua keeps saying: come and leave everything with Me!

Thanksgiving and answers to prayer


The Easter 2023 prayer letter included an appeal for K.: she needed transport from her home town to Elburg. A number of responses were received in response to this call, making transport for K. is now settled. She is very happy and grateful!

Monument and memorial day (by Carla)

Fragile Wing did something groundbreaking last season. As far as we know, that has yet to happen in the world not happened before. Last May, we finally managed to erect a monument somewhere in the middle of the country places especially for the victims of ritual abuse. In June, we mogene reveal and I look back on that with immense gratitude. What an intense almost sacred moment, when we unveiled the statue: there was only silence, long silence and lots of tears among the survivors presentfresh and also with me and all the other helpers. There is finally a tangible memorial where survivors can bring their children and other loved ones who fell prey to ritual abuse can remember. 

We also look back very well on the third national day of remembrance for srm survivors that we were again able to hold the last Saturday in June from Fragile Wing. A day on which in addition to contributions from survivors, all entrusted to us, the names of the children and other loved ones who perished were spoken aloud by usmentioned. An incredibly intense and emotional moment....

I am grateful that we get to give more and more recognition to survivors in this way.


The prayer of a righteous person accomplishes much, because strength is given to it

(James 5:16).


Prayer groups

We long for a fiery church that stands up against injustice and has a giant voice in the spiritual weworld. To communities that want to follow Yeshua and be in rela e with people who are of them spiritual and need practical support to get free from the power of darkness. For this, prayer need groups, small and large, who want to engage faithfully and determinedly to make a real difference. Like Yeshua says: 'The children of darkness proceed with more deliberation, than the children of light' (Luke 16:8). Let us then rise up and move in His mighty authority in this spiritual world, so that there may be real change will come! Find someone and start praying together. Ask others to join. Begin... Yeshua will blessing it.

Host families/safe places

Pray for more host families, more safe places for survivors. Pray for people who are willing, just a step wanting and daring to do more. Pray for courage and above all lots of love and for open doors and the right match with the right survivor.


Continue to pray that perpetrators will have an encounter with Yeshua and see what He is doing in the lives of survivors. Pray for courage and outstretched arms in their lives where they feel the safety and freedom to repent and live out their leven start afresh. See also our special thanksgiving point on this in the previous prayer letter.


Every aid applicant has a coach. The coach supports the aid applicant emotionally and practically in restructuringring life, in getting to know personality parts and in articulating problems. The coaches learn while they are at work. Pray that more coaches will come, be protected and have wisdom and will have a heart full of love for help seekers.


We need more handlers. Every survivor who chooses to exit has a minimum of two treatmentelarun for several years. We are not just looking for experienced trauma therapists: we are looking for people eager to learn with their hearts in the right place, with no secrets in their lives with which they could be blackmailed, who want tolen learn to become a trauma therapist. Pray that people will be brave enough to put their skills and passion into put in place to pull people out of the darkness. The more handlers there are, the less burdensome it becomes for the practitioners now pulling this cart.

Multiple helpers

We are on the road with several helpers. The diagnostic phase demands a lot from those involved. Pray for them for courage, security and support from their surroundings throughout this process and during the start-up of the relief effort.ning below. Pray for them also for the nights: that attacks of darkness can hit no target and nightmares become fewer. Pray also for new applications from people who want to be network friends and for a help-seeker want to stand around. Pray for courage and strength for the aid applicant to enter into new relationships.




There is a very urgent prayer point for C. She is in a fierce process of becoming free from the inside of all cult programming. In that context, she feels more and more urgently how important it is to move to a different omable to leave because she is not safe in the area where she currently lives and does not feel safe at all feels. She urgently needs a safe place, where she would be allowed to stay at least temporarily. This involves not about a shelter where people would have to accommodate or guide her. It is about a safe place where she would be able to live as independently as possible in the short term, so that she can get away from a very unsafe environment. Because of the insecurity she experiences, part of her recovery process stagnates, as she is there doesn't have the energy for it and her whole system is on alert.

Pray that there will be an organised place by Yeshua himself, where she can live at least temporarily. Through the beatenin fact, the roads are going to take far too long, which is why another solution is needed.


Pray that there will be an opportunity to contact Tamara without her parents hindering it.


Pray for Mirthe to connect with her internal parts, which contact the cult for fear of being punished. Pray that the internal parts share their experiences and start trusting Yeshua get.


Pray that Jan may grow up in a safe place.


Ladybird has noticed more and more recently how prayer helps. She increasingly sees God's hand in her life. She is grateful for all the things that are going well in her life. As she becomes more and more whole, she notices she that the memories come in more easily and also more violently. She can feel better and better but it on a expressing it properly is still quite complicated. It seems like it's stuck in her body. She asks for this prayer. In addition, despite her psychologist's help, she often feels alone and lonely in her process. She wants to eager prayer that people will come her way who understand what is going on and who can undersupport and that she may experience God's nearness in this.


Pray for Ingrid that entrances to darkness are closed and that the cult cannot reach her. Pray that she can sleep well, will feel safe and experience deep peace instead of loneliness. With Ingrid, we will building a network in the coming period and her coach is going to get to know her more and more. Pray for fine, good people around her and courage for Ingrid to enter into new relationships.


Reno is a brave aid applicant with whom, after a diagnostic process, we started counselling. Pray that click with her practitioner will occur and for courageous steps to engage in trauma processing. Also we are going to build a network for Reno. Pray for courageous individuals to stand around her and for Reno for daring to allow people into her life.


Besides counselling srm survivors, Ava also works as a prostitution social worker. It is known that sections of men and women are forced to work in the sex industry. Pray that these people have the courage to come forward. That people like Ava get in touch with those who are still so stuck in the cult. Pray for courage and strength for Ava in guiding these precious people.


Sarina is a medical aid worker who helps us in our work, unfortunately she has been diagnosed with cancer and she has since had radiotherapy. Pray that the side effects will stay away and that she will have complete healing mogene received. Pray that her condition and her whole body will be restored so that she can continue to serve for aid applicants.


Carnation is a practitioner and a pioneer in helping survivors. Continue to pray for her health, which is fragileis available, for protection from attacks at that point and for energy. Pray also for good and helpful relationships around her and joy and satisfaction at her work.


It is my deep desire that I may fully take my place in this work that has so much in my heart. There is a lot to do. Pray for discernment so that I will know what is and what is not (now) my responsibility. And pray (still) for wisdom for a good balance between work and rest.


Every day I am still harassed by the network I come from and that is quite hard for me. Fighting rock hard against all the traumas and ties is now fighting against a world that I want just so far away, that I would never want to see it again, but that is impossible. Pray for a new perspective on reality, for new thinking and that my passion to help others will not die out. Pray that every step I take into the Light will give me strength to do so again and again. The song for this time:

Helping survivors during cult nights (for more on this, see blog):

Prayer calendar

Cult dates with times of rituals and additional information and prayer points

It is very intensive for survivors to surface specific information about each cult night because each cult festival is associated with many horrible memories, which then surface. It is therefore not of all days managed to get sufficient clarity on the specific times. The times from 01:00 - 03:00 hours are not always full coverage: the cult often goes on longer and sometimes starts earlier. On days where no time at is given as a guideline 01:00 - 03:00. For certain cult groups, Friday night is regular cult night. The Friday is therefore a day that is especially tough for many survivors.

Days like new moon and full moon are days when the cult comes together extra and the intensity is heavier is. Pray that these nights will be disrupted and the spiritual power they experience will be powerless. Note: If it says August 31, it refers to the night of August 30-31.

31 August full moon 01:00 - 03:00

7 September 01:00 - 04:00

15 September new moon 01:00 - 03:00 a.m.

19-20 September 23:00 - 06:00

Night with preparation for a special sacrifice and the sacrifice around 5 o'clock (climax).

23 September 01:00 - 04:00

29 September full moon 01:00 - 03:00 am

13 October 01:00 - 03:00 hours reverse of 31 October

14 October new moon 01:00 - 03:00

24 on 25 October (Start is on 24 October at 22:31 with climax between 01:00 - 04:00)

This night marks the start of the Halloween heyday. There is a cult ceremony, a kind of start-up initiation week, where the most important thing is for everyone to be focused on the purpose of Halloween. Honouring the dead, the right sacrifices (read innocent babies) in order to gain favour with Satan. The starting ceremony, as in this night, takes place regionally in many groups across the country. An offering of a child under 2 years old. After the ceremony, there is an orgy meeting between the children and the adults. Pray For disrupting ceremonies across the country. Pray for hope for the victims. This week lasts endless and is unbearable without drugs and pain. Pray that Yeshua is near and makes ways out. For Him is After all, nothing is impossible!

25 on 26 October normal ceremony times from 01:00 - 04:00

This night is a preparation for Halloween night. Children are told that these days are aboutcomes how 'good' they are and that they are potentially going to be sacrificed. The brainwashing of this begins - and as a child believe more and more this week that - when you are chosen to be sacrificed, you are special and matter. You are used to interact with demons and the group members. You are raped multiple times and either honoured or left as trash for a few hours, giving you a good sense of which group you belong to: the good guys or the bad. This evening ends with orgies, where sex with babies and toddlers is not shunned. Pray for the children, that they feel the security of a God who cares for them, is always there for them, in the midst of this duisternis. This really is possible and I have experienced it myself. Let us pray that every child may have this certainty, deep within his/her heart, which cannot be taken away!

26 on 27 October normal ceremony times from 01:00 - 04:00

This night is a preparation, mainly focused on interaction with demons. Demons are invited todared to have sex with children laid out in a circle. The adults next allowed to rape, believe that power is derived from sex with children 'impregnated' by demons. Also the children are screened and watched, and sometimes it is also already chosen which child will be sacrificed later this week. Pray for a countermovement in the spiritual world. Pray for the demons to destroy the children of Yeshua (each child is His) cannot intrude and that God's power and might is known there in the midst of that circle. 

28 October full moon 01:00 - 03:00

27 on 28 October normal ceremony from 01:00 - 04:00 (after which at 04:28 services continuous continue in different locations).

This is the last 'normal' evening during Halloween week. Preparations continue, with children getting ready for the big climax. They start believing more and more that they are important to Satan and probears with all their strength more moments in esteem. This makes them feel safer and more worth. However, the opposite is true. The one who fights hard to be good enough, but in the eyes of of the cult is not, will be sacrificed. Pray for these children that they will know the real truth deep within their inside. The truth that there is a God who loves them, cares for them and - when they don't survive - waiting for them. A God who can give outcome, a way out, even if it is invisible. Pray they will feel, and above all, know that there are those who know this injustice and plead for their freedom with God the Father. 

28 on 29 October (The previous night at 04:28 the continuous meetings have already started and also not stopped during the day. From this night, the meeting from 01:00 to 04:00 every night is mandatory).

This day is a day to prepare for the Halloween night of October 31-November 1. There will be children be recruited, childbirth induced and people chosen to be sacrificed on the holy night. Pray for the survivors that they may feel hope. Light in this darkness. Adults and children who from the birth are in the cult, are obliged to come on such high days. I know about myself how I am around Helloween was looking for a way out to avoid having to go. Being very sick, people suddenly visiting, very, very sometimes there were 'coincidences' that even cult could not force me to go. Pray for possiblepresent and opportunities not to have to experience these nights. Pray that their preparations would be brought into the light and be exposed, rendering their preparations hopeless.

29 on 30 October 01:00 - 04:00

30 and 31 October 01:00 - 04:00

This day and night is also dominated by preparations for Halloween night. Once again children ronselen and induce childbirth. Pray for the mothers for whom it is not possible to be true mothers. Those it is not given to hold, protect and cherish their baby in their arms. They have to stand up to all the allow their natural feelings in and watch their baby being bestially sacrificed, by a other or by themselves. Pray for their recovery and that they may trust Yeshua to take care of their baby and give them have a much better life with Him.

Demons are summoned, asked to be favourable to them. Sacrifices are made to gain more space in the get/earn spiritual world. All this is done through the sacrifice of a newborn. Pray that this night the demons have no room to move. That any possibility of manifestation of them forkoone becomes and that Yeshua intervenes with His mighty Light and power.

October 31 to November 1 this is Halloween night, the high tide night and will last until 10am in the morning (from 1 November)

During this night, several rituals are done, which include the rape of children by demons, later by those present. Offering babies and children born and recruited this week, after which their bodies are burned and violent manifestations take place in the minds and bodies of the attendees what gives them a 'kick' to want more of this dark world. Pray for cere disruptionmonies across the country (and beyond). Pray for exposure in the world of these dark practices: the duisternis must be in the light. Pray for the victims, for supernatural protection, that Yeshua will be present are, take away their fears and give them peace. Pray for the perpetrator-perpetrators. That they may realise what they are doing are, but also that they see ways to ask for help. Pray that the church of Christ will be willing and ready to also accommodate these people, help them, show them the way of Yeshua and can show endless mercy and patience, soThat they will and can truly follow the way of Yeshua.

1 - 4 November

The Halloween climax is over, but the misery for the victims is not yet. Those who 'made it' hebbs tough days ahead in which distinctions will start to be made between good, not so good and poor children and adults. Each will have to earn grace again in the coming months, with Christmas reused as a benchmark. The cult is a place where performance and obedience are central, at elcand held by bands of fear. Only the love of Yeshua and His light can change this.

11 November 00:00 - 04:00

This is a specific festival in which a fire sacrifice is done. A person, usually a young woman is made alive burnt on a fire after worshipping demons.

13 November new moon 01:00 - 03:00

27 November full moon 01:00 - 03:00

Will you continue to pray with us?

Carla, Esther and Aline

This prayer letter may be distributed widely, especially in churches. 'My people perish for lack of knowledge,' says the Bible (Hosea 4:6). So let us not look away anymore. Let us fix our eyes on Yeshua and injustice, and let us embrace those caught in it and take them before the throne of God!

For more information on satanic ritual abuse, see e.g.

Documentary 'glass shards and dark rituals', Argos VPRO, 27 June 2020

Documentary 'Lisa's story', Argos VPRO, 8 Dec 2018

Documentary, sequel to Lisa's story, Argos VPRO, Feb 2019

For whom and by whom?

This prayer letter is intended for any Christian who wants to join in prayer based on good information. It is an initiative of Carla Hamoen, Esther and Aline Terpstra. Carla and Aline both professionally help survivors of satanic ritual abuse step out of this cult and physically, emotionally and come to recovery spiritually. Born into a church family that worshipped Satan, Esther struggled to break free from the grip of this cult.

If you know people who might be interested in praying with you, please feel free to forward this letter and the prayer points. If you have this prayer letter and the prayer points no longer want to receive them, an email back will suffice.


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!