
Satanic ritual abuse: How can this remain hidden in a country like the Netherlands?

NB. For a good understanding, please read the article 'About DIS and deliberately created DIS'

I often hear the question how it is possible that satanic ritual abuse remains hidden in a western democracy like the Netherlands. A justified question. In this article some answers.

How DIS helps to hide the crimes of the cult

One of the consequences of dissociative identity disorder (DIS), from which many/all victims of satanic ritual abuse suffer, is that perceptions and experiences are stored in the brain in chunks. In other words, different moments or aspects of one event are remembered by different 'person parts' separated by memory walls. Survivors of SRM who go public to talk about what they have experienced, can therefore hardly ever immediately get a logically coherent give an eyewitness account with all the factual details of the events in one place. Usually the terrible truth comes out in bits and pieces. It takes a great deal of time, perseverance and courage in the inner world to bring to the surface pieces of the event that other people have stored away at the time. Often the media or police write that a testimony 'grows'. This Evidence is given that the victim makes things up and under the influence of attention makes them up even more. But if you start to understand how DIS 'works' and if you have any idea under what horrible tortures deliberately created DIS arises, it is not difficult to understand that a survivor cannot just tell about it.

You can check this with yourself in a very simple and straightforward way: to whom do you dare to confide your deepest secrets, your most shameful mistakes or blunders that you have hidden in a corner of your soul? Surely you would only share them with someone who has proven to be trustworthy. In a different way, this is also true for the personality parts of someone with DIS who is caught up in a satanic cult. A deep relationship of trust is needed in order to get in touch with the parts of the personality that are still functioning in the cult and have been made co-responsible. The shame and guilt under which these personalities are burdened are enormous. Winning trust is a step-by-step process. And only when these traumatised parts of the person start talking can the whole story be told. This takes a lot of time and requires people who can be trusted., be genuinely and permanently involved. That is certainly not going to happen in a police interrogation room.


It succeeds when people are willing to listen to a victim with perseverance and an honest attitude. For a good example of persistence and Fair listen the report of the police interrogations of Regina Louf, X1 witness in the Dutroux case that played out in Belgium in 1996.

Another characteristic of severely traumatised people at a young age is the ability to say terrible things without showing any emotion or telling the trauma only in visual terms, without naming the perception with other senses (sounds, smells, taste). This fact too can be used against victims when they report the crime. It is then said that the testimony is not credible for this reason. This happened to the girl Lisa, as can be heard in the documentary from Argos about her. This was a reason for the National Expertise Bureau for Special Vice Cases (LEBZ) of the police to advise against further investigation of her case, although there were still possibilities for investigation, such as hearing witnesses and requesting medical information.

The DIS deliberately created by the cult has many other consequences that play into the hands of the perpetrators. The different personalities have different learning histories and conflicting interests. Where one part of a person wants to keep evidence at all costs, there are other parts of a person who know that they too are 'perpetrators', who are terrified that the evidence will be used against them and who therefore destroy it. Also, one part of a person may choose to report the crime, which is then denied and withdrawn by another part of the person, for fear of being punished even more in the cult. All things that are used by people without knowledge of the facts to undermine the testimony of survivors to make it unbelievable.

How images are used to blackmail victims and perpetrators

In addition to the weapon of DIS in victims, tell survivors that the cult has another very effective weapon at its disposal: photos and videos of the crimes committed by its participants, from the victims at the bottom of the hierarchy to the perpetrators at the top. In the treatment of Esther, I have seen several such images, not only of Esther as a victim but also of some perpetrators. As a reader, think about what that means: suppose someone has photos and videos of you participating in the rape of a child or the commission of a murder, mpossibly after a sex orgy in which narcotics were flowing freely and there was a bizarre atmosphere and peer pressure... ..zDo you still dare to come out with the crimes of the group you participated in? Of which you have no photos, only your eyewitness report? And would you still


If you had seen very influential people in that same group? And if you knew that, if your story is not believed by the outside world, this group has the power to let your job, your status, your family members, your life lose? A car accident for example, is with sufficient preparation and with people in the right posts, not very difficult to organise.

The principle of blackmailing with images of crimes can also be found in the publicity surrounding Jeffrey EpsteinThe court found that at least underage girls were abused there. It has been established in court that at least abuse of underage girls took place there. Many witnesses say that Epstein using hidden cameras to record the abuse so that the perpetrators could be blackmailed. Victims of satanic ritual abuse are not alone in testifying about these highly effective practices.

How through possible involvement of influential people paedosexual crimes do not receive a fair trial

It should not be forgotten that for many decades, the survivors talk about the involvement of influential people in this cult or its affiliations paedosexual networks. These testimonies are supported by the fact that trials of high-ranking officials suspected of paedophile abuse do not come to fruition for all kinds of strange reasons, time after time. Such as the repeated attempts to bring such a case against a former top Justice official. This person was the highest official at Justice for 10 years and even appointed many judges in that function. At the rolodex research Information was leaked from on high to four high-ranking people, including this person. Also the case of Baybasin, a Turkish dissident serving a life sentence in the Netherlands, is worth investigating in this context. More recently, the case of the girl Lisa, mentioned earlier, did not get a trial, while the evidence present was, in my opinion, at least worthy of thorough investigation. required.

How independent research seems to be undermined.

Those in high positions have authority over our lives and the lives of our children. Therefore, they should not be people who want to abuse our children. When independent legal proceedings against influential people accused of paedosexual abuse fail time after time, independent research outside the legal sphere is the only way left to uncover the truth. Precisely for that reason, it is alarming that the Lower House has chosen to abandon the investigation into organised sadistic child abuse. not be carried out independently. It is carried out


under the banner of the Ministry of Justice. A butcher who inspects his own meat. It should not surprise anyone that a substantial part of the survivors has not dared to talk to this committee. Based on our experiences with survivors we suspect that this is precisely the survivorsare those who have much to say about the involvement of high-ranking people.

For those who immerse themselves in satanic ritual abuse, it becomes clear why these crimes can remain so well hidden. Nevertheless, situations do come to light now and then, also in the Netherlands, of which it is clear to those who have studied them enough that a connection with satanic ritual abuse is obvious. Those who delve into sources on the internet, books and old newspaper articles can find examples of this themselves. Perhaps more on this in a subsequent article.


Out of life


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!