
No 1. Prayer letter around satanic ritual abuse

Out of life

October 2021

The biblical Gideon was a man chosen by God to deliver an entire people.
He himself did not see his vocation that way, and had to be persuaded by God to accept his task. In the end, he faced an enemy force of tens of thousands with a small army, of 300 men.
Because God was on His side, this small army overcame the overpowering enemy.
 For God can equally redeem through few, as through many.
What He could do then, He can do now.
Bible: Judges 6-8, 1 Samuel 14:6   

Ephesians 6:12-13

Our struggle is not against people but against heavenly rulers, the rulers and powers of darkness,
against the evil spirits in the heavenly spheres.
Therefore, take up the weapons of God to be able to resist in the day of evil, to stand firmly prepared.

The purpose of this prayer letter is to initiate a prayer movement in the Netherlands and abroad to free victims from the shackles of satanic ritual abuse.

In addition, to make people aware of the existence of satanic networks under the surface of our Western society. So that a network of passionate people gradually emerges to offer spiritual and practical support to victims (and perpetrators?) who choose freedom.

For whom.

This prayer letter is intended for any Christian who wishes to join in prayer based on good information. In particular, prayer groups of churches or interdenominational prayer groups are also invited to join in.
You are receiving this first letter because someone in our circle of stakeholders suspected that you would like to be part of this. If not, unsubscribe this mailing at the bottom of the prayer letter and you will no longer receive it. 
The intention is to publish this newsletter quarterly. To inform everyone who wants to pray with us, about the upcoming cult days (see explanation later in this letter) and to offer concrete prayer points. We feel that the time has come for these things to be told. That darkness may be brought into the light and that together, in connection, we may spiritually form an offensive, in the power of our King of Kings, to stand up against this tremendous injustice.

By whom?

This prayer letter is an initiative of Carla Hamoen, Esther and Aline Terpstra. Carla and Aline both professionally help survivors of satanic ritual abuse to step out of this cult and come to recovery physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Esther was born into a church family that worshipped Satan.
She says: 'I learnt to sacrifice animals, as well as people and children, and I learnt to spiritually control people by tempting them to sin and make wrong choices. I gave my body and soul until a few years ago for the higher purpose of getting better in the kingdom of darkness, so that the cult, the group of Satanists, could have more power.' Here you can read more about Esther. Under the heading 'the power of prayer', you can read about Esther's motivation to co-initiate this prayer letter. Other survivors of satanic ritual abuse will also co-write these prayer letters, always under pseudonyms, this time it is Jessie.

What is satanic ritual abuse?

Satanic ritual abuse involves highly sadistic sexual abuse of children and adult adults as part of worship of Satan. Most - possibly all - victims of this satanic network, are additionally used for production of sadistic (child) pornography and used as sex slaves.

Jessie recounts:
'I grew up in a family where alcoholism was at the forefront. Psychological problems that were drunk away. A problem that was visible to doctors and agencies. What was not visible was the deep darkness behind it. There was no safe place within the family, but the misery went far beyond that. Over the period of 4-6 years, I was taken to places most people still don't know exist. A place of literal and figurative deep, deep darkness. A place where Satan was worshipped in all his horror. A place where I had no voice, was not allowed to make myself heard. Not to cry, not to scream in pain .... Rituals in which were raped, tortured, sacrificed .... Babies and children who were not allowed to exist - who were born there so no one would miss them - were tortured and murdered in horrible ways. And still this is happening worldwide!

We were told not to talk, on pain of gruesome death (of girlfriends, lovers and ourselves). To inject further fear, we were tortured, electricity through our little bodies, drowning and being revived and an endless list of other ways. Even that liberating death was taken away from us. Locked in (dog) cages, not allowed to make a sound, also on pain of electric current.

Besides, we were told we would not be believed anyway. Present were police, doctors, aid workers, pastors ... all walks of life. So that you would also never know where you could talk safely because anyone could be one of them. And the punishment was terrible. Programming by making you intensely fearful, repeated messages with the aim of even more fear, isolation (nobody can be trusted, you are nowhere safe, you are responsible for the suffering and death of the other person etc etc). Now decades later, I am finally learning to live instead of survive.

I have sought and found my recovery with Jesus Christ, Yeshua. It has been a very long road, but a road to LIFE. I have found freedom, broken fears, found my voice again but above all: HOPE. Without Yeshua I literally would not be alive, He showed me the way I could go towards Life.' Here you can read a little more from Jessie's hand.

The power of communal prayer

Jesus instructs us to unmask the works of darkness.
Prayer is our most powerful weapon in this. Satan works through people's minds, enticing them to do his works with power he gives them when they obey.
In the cult, Esther learned how to manipulate and influence people by summoning and stirring up demons. Weak spots were sought and people were literally attacked spiritually.
But we have, by God's grace, been given more power than Satan, only we are mostly unaware of it. We let injustice continue, don't always stand up for the weak and when we feel uncomfortable, we keep silent rather than speak in authority. Jeshua has given us the authority to do greater works than Him. We may stand on scorpions (who is the scorpion?) we may move above the works of Satan (casting out demons and healing the sick) and we may join Him in building the kingdom of God on the earth.

Everything we pray according to His will, He will answer. What Esther sometimes says: When Christians will truly use the power of prayer, darkness will not be able to stand. For this, we as Christians must want to be focused on Jeshua and dare to sanctify our lives. The power directly from His Kingdom will shake the earth. Death does not have us in its power when we step out as children of the Most High Lord.

Culture calendar

One of the things survivors encounter is that over the course of a year, there are a whole number of dates that belong to the satanic ritual calendar. These days and periods often determine very strongly how a survivor is doing as the whole personality system is programmed on these dates.
Even if someone manages not to go back to the cult, these dates and days are often still huge hard periods for the survivor. Full of memories and re-experiences, full of the call to return, full of the images and smells and sounds of such nights. Often the person himself does not even realise that this calendar is so deeply programmed in, but the body reacts to it.

Prayer is very important on these days and - especially - nights. Which days are we talking about?
* Anyway, you can assume that at full moon and also at new moon, and on Fridays the 13e cults active
are and perform rituals, seriously abusing children and unimportant people within the cult
and/or sacrificed.
* Around 21 March there is the spring equinox, around 21 September the autumn equinox, around 21 June and around 21 December
the solstices. All ritual dates.
* Last September 22 we had the autumn equinox, and actually from that day until November 4 it is
a very tough time for survivors.
This time is used as preparation for Samhain (popularly called Halloween), one of the high days in the cult world. That is, demons are invoked then, a lot of blood is already flowing from animals and babies to invoke as much darkness as possible. Children may also be kidnapped during that period, which will be used as sacrifices on Samhain.
So, as you can see, there are few periods of relative calm for a survivor, since - even if there is no concrete date - there are often periods of preparation for the 'great occult feasts'. Around such 'holidays' there is also often much more spiritual turmoil, and pressure 'in the air', and this too often comes on the radar of the usually highly sensitive survivor to such things. It is therefore necessary to pray for protection from these spiritual pressures. Even if you do not know a survivor yourself, your prayers are very welcome! Never underestimate the power of prayer. It actually hinders or even breaks the power of demons and people who place themselves in their service!

Concrete prayer points


* For blessing on detachment and recovery processes of victims trying to fight their way out of the cult.
In many victims, because of Halloween, programming has been activated. These are torture-trained automatic reactions of all kinds, all of which ultimately aim to tighten the cult's grip on the person or bring the person back to the cult. Pray that these are broken.
* Many victims are very lonely because they can hardly share with anyone what really concerns them. Pray for people around them to do their best to understand them.
Many victims are besieged by cult members when they move outside their homes, e.g. by cars following them. Pray for protection.
* God's word tells us: do not participate in the unfruitful practices of darkness, rather denounce them (Ephesians 5:11): Pray for crimes of satanic network to come to light nationally and internationally.
From October 27, there are compulsory meetings for the victims because of Halloween, failure to attend these satanic meetings carries heavy penalties.
* Breaking the power of Satanists in the lives of their victims, but also pushing back their influence in our country and beyond.
* Last year, a motion was passed in the House of Representatives calling for independent investigations into organised sadistic abuse. Following this, a committee was set up by the Ministry of Justice. This commission has no trust among many victims, as it is not independent from the Justice Department and many victims actually also tell about abuse by top members of the Justice Department, for more info see this item. A new motion will be tabled at the end of October (date not yet known), requesting that a new committee be set up - outside the Ministry of Justice - according to the preconditions necessary to achieve a truly independent investigation. Pray that MPs of good will see why this is essential, and that this motion will be passed.
* Protection of volunteers and therapists helping these victims.
* There are far too few therapists available. Without therapy and trauma treatment, getting out is not possible. Pray for more therapists to become skilled in this.
* Safe places to accommodate people who want to get out

For persons

* Christa, a young woman between 20 and 30, was still on the waiting list for the end-of-life clinic six months ago. She was utterly desperate. She took a courageous step to try to get out of the cult and is about to take the biggest step in her entire exit process. Pray for courage and strength and safety and healthy new relationships.
* An older toddler, we'll call him Jan, exhibits play behaviour and other characteristics indicative of ritual abuse. A legal battle is raging for placement back in the family that does not seem safe. Pray for divine protection for this young child. and that God will bring justice to his life. That the claws of death will stay away from him from now on.
* For Esther, that she endures and continues to grow

On certain days

28 October to 4 November satanic high days with blood rituals
31 October All Saints' Day, Samhain, Halloween with blood rituals, many child sacrifices and sexual rituals and sexual abuse by demons
1 November All Souls' Day
November 4 satanic high day with sexual rituals


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!