
No 2. Prayer letter around satanic ritual abuse

Out of life

December 2021

James 5:16

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and does not miss its effect."

Christmas You Sitting alone In your house In the dark And the cold There is no one Who knows No one who sees No one who reaches out to you Too complicated Someone who can't just Cosy and happy Around these days For you, it's Rather hell Blood is flowing Children are dying Your child too The loneliness Is not digestible You feel sick Who looks after you? Who hears your cries? Who stays with you When you can't say anything Who wants to know?

The purpose of this prayer letter is to initiate a prayer movement 
in the Netherlands and abroad to free victims from the shackles 
Of satanic ritual abuse.

In addition, to make people aware of the existence of satanic networks under the surface of our Western society.
So that a network of passionate people gradually emerges to offer spiritual and practical support to victims (and hopefully perpetrators) who choose freedom.

Words guided by God's Spirit:
our weapon of attack in the spiritual battle

Every prayer and every word we speak led by the Spirit is our weapon of attack in the spiritual battle (more explanation on this can be found at here). Through these words, we can take down strongholds of satan and free (his) captives in Jesus' name. We may ask Jesus to let His light shine in the darkness, and we may proclaim deliverance and life in His name over all those whom Satan tries to hold captive. And we may thank Him that He is the one who saves.        

For whom and by whom?

This prayer letter is intended for any Christian who wants to join in prayer based on good information. It is an initiative of Carla Hamoen, Esther and Aline Terpstra. Carla and Aline both professionally help survivors of satanic ritual abuse to step out of this cult and come to recovery physically, emotionally and spiritually. Esther was born into a church family that worshipped Satan and has wrestled herself free from the grip of this cult. 

In the previous letter, some victims told something in more general terms about what growing up in a satanic cult means. In this letter, Marleen (pseudonym) and Christa (pseudonym) tell about their experiences in the cult around Christmas. Carla Hamoen tells from her years of experience of helping survivors, about loneliness, especially at this time. Some words have a link attached to them; clicking will give you access to more information. At the bottom of this letter there are a lot of concrete general and personal prayer points and a list of church customs around Christmas, which for many victims can also be triggers, bringing them back to memories in the cult. Good to be aware of when we sing Ere zij God together, for example!

Christa tells: Christmas in the cult - a celebration of darkness

Christmas celebrates that Jesus was born and came to bring salvation. It is a celebration of light. But in the cult, it is a feast of darkness. It is a feast where Satan is worshipped and adored, including through sexual rites and child sacrifices. Sacrifices of babies and very young children. Sacrifices in which other (often young) victims are forced into perpetration. Sacrifices where too often the mothers of children are forced to kill their own child.

The blame for these murders is placed on victim-perpetrators: after all, it was their hands that committed the murders. Also, during these days, an intense inner struggle arises in victims to go back to the cult, because they have learnt this under torture (click here for a brief explanation of how this programmed DIS works). 

Prayer is therefore needed for protection and steadfastness of victims trying to fight their way out of the cult, for deliverance and healing for them and for a personal encounter with Yeshua so that they can come to know Him as He really is. 

M. narrates: in the middle of the winter night

The shopping streets are busy looking for Saint Nicholas and Christmas presents. We eat peppercorns and the country fills with lights of all shapes and sizes. The festive month of December is upon us again....

I remember the Christmas tree at our house. How I sat on the ground in front of the tree and held a Christmas light close to my eyes. Within seconds, the light turned into another world, a land far from here where time and place no longer existed. My way of disappearing...

I disappeared from the festive month. Because where for many, December at least meant gingerbread cookies and Christmas wreaths, for me this month was all about cold, chilly, dark winter nights in which I had to participate in satanic rituals.

We know that Satan is an imitator, he inverts everything. The inverted cross that is a symbol within Satanism is an example of this. Similarly, Christmas, the birth of Jesus is inverted into a satanic sacrificial ritual where children, babies are sacrificed.

As I write this, my stomach is turning. I was there. I saw, I heard... I had to join in. Chilling screams, and an atmosphere that I cannot otherwise describe as pure death were there. "Baby Jesus is dead" they said. It was a kind of cleansing ritual. The blood was collected and drunk.

Ice cold, chilly, empty, silent, dark...

And then it was morning again. Twinkles, Christmas sweets, music, festive atmospheres... and the Christmas tree, with its lights, allowing me to disappear into another world, where neither time nor place existed. There, in the nothingness of a dissociative unconscious I comforted myself, forgot, and went on surviving again, until the next winter night....

2021, December has arrived again. In recent years, I have re-appropriated Christmas as originally intended by God. I celebrate the birth of Jesus, often against the odds because of all the memories that arise involuntarily. But I WILL celebrate, celebrate life, celebrate His life. He is my hope of forever dispelling those cold, chilly winter nights.

Once He makes all things new again, Jesus
Once He heals every wound
Entire old world disappears
Beyond the pain
(Rev 818)

Carla talks about loneliness at Christmas

Among survivors of ritual abuse, there is much loneliness these days. So few people know about their past, or sometimes present in a world of abuse. So far too few also dwell on how incredibly difficult and dark and lonely these days often are for them.

For many people who grew up with trauma, these days are already tough. You just have to have good people or a nice family around you, otherwise the mask you have to put on during such days is already so isolating. Let alone if you have experienced ritual abuse, which usually goes from generation to generation, and therefore involves one or more people from your family of origin. The horrific memories that impose themselves on them, and the isolation survivors often live in, because they have no family and there are also few people you can share such things with, make the loneliness sometimes unbearable.

Will you pray that loneliness and isolation will be broken? That more people dare to open their hearts to these survivors, these precious pearls with so much brokenness but also so much strength? 

Christmas triggers in church

For survivors of satanic abuse, it is often difficult to be present in a church service. Certain language and symbols bring to mind all kinds of memories from the cult's world. Around Christmas, there are all kinds of specific triggers, listed below, in this link is a little more explanation on this:

- Advent (also in cult a preparation time for Christmas)
- Lighting the Advent candles
- Candles in the aisles, squares, etc.
- Praise be to God
- The story of the infanticide in Bethlehem

Concrete prayer points


For blessing on detachment and recovery processes of victims trying to fight their way out of the cult.

For awareness in churches and congregations of the existence of these satanic practices, so that victims dare to come forward and, with the help of a solid network of trusted people, dare to step out.

Many survivors of ritual abuse suffer a lot of triggers from compulsory mouth caps (not being allowed to talk, masks), social pressure to get vaccinated (forced injections to induce childbirth, among other things), having to prove you are good enough by showing a QR code and much more. Pray for them.

Many victims are very lonely, especially around the holidays, because they can hardly share with anyone what really concerns them. And many therapists are actually less available these days. Pray for people around them to do their best to understand them.

Many victims are besieged by cult members when they move outside their homes, e.g. by cars following them. Pray for protection.

God's word tells us: do not participate in the unfruitful practices of darkness, rather expose them (Ephesians 5:11): Pray for crimes of satanic network to come to light nationally and internationally.

Last year, a motion calling for independent investigations into organised sadistic abuse was passed in the House of Representatives. Following this, a commission was set up by the Ministry of Justice. This commission has no trust among many victims, as it is not independent from the Justice Department and many victims actually also tell about abuse by top members of the Justice Department, for more info see this item.

Gideon van Meijeren tabled a new motion for an enquiry independent of Justice. This will be voted on roll-call by the people's representatives next week. Pray that those of good will will see why this is essential, and that this motion will pass.

Protection of volunteers and therapists helping these victims.

There are far too few therapists available. Without therapy and trauma treatment, getting out is not possible. Pray for more therapists to become skilled in this.

Safe places to accommodate people who want to get out

For persons

Christa is now in a safe place and has started processing her traumas. Pray for a good working relationship with her therapist, for perseverance, courage, strength and safety, and for the growth of healthy new relationships.

For Jan an older toddler showing signs of severe abuse with possible signs of organised abuse. Pray for the compulsory family visit, which is very upsetting for Jan: that his family turns to know Jeshua and Jan may come to recovery. And ask God for courage for Jan, that he continues to show/tell what he has been through.

For Esther, who in recent months took the very courageous step of sharing a piece of her life in an interview with anyone willing to hear it. Pray that she endures and continues to grow, and pray for her safety and that of those around her.

For Mirthe, who is under treatment with a therapist. Pray to discern who she interacts with, her therapist wonders if some people from her support network might also be involved in the cult and draw her right back into it. Mirthe is often haunted, but it is still unclear whether parts of her also return to the cult 'on her own', due to programming. Pray that this comes to light and pray for her safety.

For M, that it remains safe. December is often a trigger for 'them' to contact again.

On certain days

Besides the usual dates of e.g. the full moon, the new moon, Fridays the 13e, the following dates can be marked as cult days in the coming months. It is usually mainly about the night in which this day begins. Information has largely come from survivors we know, concerns the Dutch situation, and may be incomplete. For the most severe days, a brief explanation. 

3 to 5 December
14 December
21/22 December
23, 24, 25 December; demonic heyday with orgies and sexual rituals, sexual intercourse with demons, animal and human sacrifices. Many victims experience Christmas, after Halloween, as the toughest cult festival
30 December to 1 January
6 January
January 13 satanic new year
17-27 January
2 February
14 February

Thank you for your prayers!

Carla, Esther & Aline

For more information on satanic ritual abuse, see e.g.
Documentary 'glass shards and dark rituals', Argos VPRO, 27 June 2020
Documentary 'Lisa's story', Argos VPRO, 8 Dec 2018
Documentary, sequel to Lisa's story, Argos VPRO, Feb 2019


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!