
A Gideon's Army Prayer Letter around satanic ritual abuse

The purpose of this prayer letter is to initiate a prayer movement in the Netherlands and abroad to free victims from the shackles of satanic ritual abuse.

In addition, to make people aware of the existence of satanic networks among the surface of our western society. So that a network of passionate people gradually emerges to offer spiritual and practical support to victims (and hopefully perpetrators) who choose freedom.

This letter contains gruesome details, however, we want to give survivors the right to speak and bidders good information. We advise survivors to read this letter together with a trusted other.

Judges 19 (by Janita)

Judges 19 tells the story of a woman who was raped all night by several men and then fell down at the entrance of the house where her husband was staying. She lay there until it got light; this woman died because of what the men had done to her! This story touched me: her own husband brought her out and let it happen. Unimaginable!!! I thought of the stories of survivors, how they experienced being raped for nights and were more dead than alive after such a horrifying night. And this still happens, even in our country.

Survivors of srm have usually grown up in the cult from childhood; it is their family. When they step out of this (which is incredibly difficult), they have lost their family, making them feel incredibly lonely. The only way they can stand firm and not return to the cult is if they get new brothers and sisters (a new family) who support them, help them, love them, show them that they are valuable to them and to Yeshua. Do we dare to open our hearts and our homes to these precious people? James E. Wilder writes in his book 'The Red Dragon Defeated' page 292: 'The cost of this is high: it requires us to share their struggles, face opposition and allow our neat and orderly lives to be turned upside down, perhaps for the rest of our lives.'

The Bible in Matthew 24:43 says, "But know this, that if the lord of the house had known in what night watch the thief would come, he would have been vigilant, and would not have had his house broken into. Survivors sometimes know when the thief is likely to come, namely during cult nights. Cult pulls on them during these nights so they come to the meetings, by making noises around their homes, by sending emails and codes but also through spiritual attacks. It is extraordinary to hear that more and more people interrupt their sleep to pray precisely during cult nights, so that survivors can stand firm and also notice that there is a wall of prayer around them. For this we are incredibly grateful and we hope and pray that this group of prayer warriors may begin to grow.

In this prayer letter, two survivors first recount their memories of Beltane/Walpurgis on the night of 30 April to 1 May. Then come the points of thanksgiving and specific prayer points for different subjects and people. Finally, the prayer calendar follows.

Memories of Beltane/ Walpurgis (by a survivor)

Still I see how priests and the unreal Yeshua told me that the souls of my children would be torn apart, while their bodies were cut into pieces before being thrown by fire into the darkest duis-ternis.

Most on my mind are the endless rapes. First, of course, the cleansing and purification. Bran-thumping hot and ice-cold showers, scrubbed inside and out with scouring pads. With tiny knives, they bled me down there to get rid of all the filth inside me. These slices inside opened naturally-if a man were to go inside-but that's only right. No eating, limited drinking. Because the body has to be completely clean on the big days.

There were important guests who paid to come to the rituals. And they were allowed to pick any child they wanted; shared or not, and do whatever they wanted with it. It was only shortly before my owner and attendant died that I realised I would not be killed. Then the endless gang rapes began. Not just gang rapes, but torture, forced deliveries, forced miscarriages. Just holding arms and legs and pulling the little ones to pieces and carrying parts like a trophy. Other children were raped and just thrown alive into the fire.

I was forced to join in. One of the important guests instructed me to join in raping, mar-teling, collecting blood and taking out the heart ... and more ... before the little one was thrown into the fire. The raping of us 'low things', by the guests and priests and important people, continued and as long as it was the first of the fifth month, no one stopped.

We bore a child a few times, but each time it was taken away. We didn't know if it was alive or not. Babies, toddlers, little ones raped until there was no sound and their still bodies were discarded like dolls.

Bodies dismembered Bodies thrown into fire

It feels endlessly ... 

And some years ... 

Came as a result a pregnancy ...

30 April and 1 May in memories (by Esther during her exit process with Walpurgis, some years ago)

Middle of the night. The heaviest night of this period, in which there were spiritual attacks, is over. The heaviness of this night is different every year, and one of the influences related to this is the gees-tical battle and the cult's ability to attack me. I also feel the heaviness of their nights. Sometimes there is more demonic activity than other times. Last night, a lot of people were praying. I didn't feel the heaviness very much, but the images that passed by me were memories that I knew the same events were happening now.

I saw the young woman tied to the pole and the fire lit. She screamed and shouted and the elders worshipped the king and asked him to accept their sacrifice. The others present were not impressed by the woman who was experiencing a terrible death, but sought "higher ground". They prayed in a language, which sounds like tongues, made strange sounds and the demons started flying around. Each-one got kind of drunk by what was happening and the smell of the burnt flesh. The woman had stopped screaming horribly and her body continued to burn for a while. I watched as it charred. The power was gone from this sacrifice, the climax had already been reached and the further burning of her was pure necessary evil and no longer served any purpose. I felt the horror of this senseless sacrifice. The magnitude of her suffering was so much more than the yield to demons that for a moment I did not understand. What are they doing it for, but I thought of the words Grandpa often spoke. This is just part of it, rituals are sacred.

The ceremony continued and whole rituals were performed. Satan's power became more visible and when invoking him (as a light bearer), I saw his power increase. He is carried on the worship of those present and gains his strength and power, his dominion by those who surrender everything to him. It was like a penny dropped, without these people, he was nothing here. They gave him power, whereas they think it is the other way around.

Satan was asked to summon his army, which he did. They saw that as mercy; he wanted to give them what they wanted. That was happiness, at least that's how we always experienced it. Demons seeped in, the sounds getting stronger and stronger from screams to laughter and humming. I see them flying-gen, moving and they make some attendees feel nice by getting inside them or sitting on them. Just a smile is enough and special. Everyone drops to their knees and the birthing woman sacrifices her baby to them. They play with it and the baby is raped and the woman is killed after this. Her belly lies open and the children eat from this woman. It is a 'good' feast.

I see orgies with demons and humans and it ends with an orgy in the back room. The women group together and choose spiritual targets and step out of their bodies, supported by their team. Nothing can stop them, they are stronger and with more and their army is large. They laugh, drink wine, have sex in between and go with it. But who are targeted? I can't tell.

It is now the next day. I see it getting dark and I hear the horn. I feel myself running, motivated with tremendous fear and despair, but also hope. I know what to do and know when it's over. I hope for the best and do my best, as always. The chase has begun.

The meat they cut off from their predator they caught is very red. They are quite big cuts, the girl was burly and I can also see it in my mind as food. I hadn't eaten for days and the fire heats the meat well. It's like a piece of chicken. The roasted piece of meat is held out to me and wan-when I want to grab it, they pull it away. They laugh, I get a raw piece of meat and grab it and eat. I feel the blood running down the corners of my mouth and envy those who get the roast piece, but still I eat on. I am so intensely hungry.

The raping is not too bad, I take it for granted. I sort of stand off and let everything come over me. Whether I come home-I don't know either. I live by the second ... just like now. Dozens of memories like this come up. The looks, the smells, the fire, the dogs. I feel disgusted and terrified, when it's been and not now. The little children suffering now, I feel and see their pain and can't do anything but lie in my bed and go to sleep....

Thanksgiving and answers to prayer

Farmstead 'the Inner Garden

In the previous prayer letter, we wrote that we are grateful for this location coming our way. The owners have been very obliging to us by taking the property out of sale and giving us four months to complete the financing. When it became clear in mid-December that this could not be done, they gave us another three months. We have since made a new plan for financing; you can read more about this on our website. We are grateful that in the meantime almost half of the costs of the most necessary renovations have been received.


We are incredibly grateful that some treatments are ongoing and making progress.

Network friends

We are grateful that there are one to more networked friends around all those seeking help and that they are loyal.


We are grateful to have donations coming in every month to do our work.


We are grateful to have heard that Geertje is safe as far as she can now, and that a legal battle has been struck.



The prayer of a righteous person accomplishes much, because strength is given to it

(James 5:16).

Farmstead 'the Inner Garden

The site shows how the financing plan around De Hoeve was changed when it turned out that we were unable to find a major financier. The main components are that we need an investor who wants to buy an Am- sterdam house and rent it to us. We also need an amount to pay for the first necessary renovations. Pray that both will come around!


Pray that donations will continue to come in to pay for the therapists' work and that the therapists will receive wisdom and strength for their work. Pray also for new practitioners, people who are eager to learn with their hearts in the right place, without secrets in their lives that could make them blackmailable, who want to learn to become trauma therapists. The more practitioners there are, the less burdensome it will be for the practitioners currently pulling this cart, so that more survivors can start this vital treatment.

Network friends

Pray that the people who are now network friends will be able to keep it up as the help-seeker shows more and more of themselves. Pray for more network friends throughout the country. There is a really big shortage of these and sometimes literally gets in the way of stepping out of the cult.

Work by Friends of Esthers

Pray for all the developments within Friends of Esthers. We work hard to improve diagnostics for CDIS (complex DIS) in ongoing abuse and we work in many areas to spread our knowledge. For instance, there are often meetings for networkers, bidders and so on where we do knowledge transfer and where we meet. There is a lot of time and energy in this work and each step requires a lot of wisdom. We need Yeshua very much in this; if He does not build the house, in vain do the builders toil (Psalm 127:1). We are very much aware of this. Pray for His guidance with every step we take in every area of our work and with every person we deal with.

Prayer groups

2 Samuel 8:14 'He laid garrisons in Edom; in all Edom he laid garrisons, and all the Edomites were subdued to David. The LORD gave David victory everywhere he went.' A garrison is a number of soldiers stationed in a specific place, originally to guard that place, but too-today often with that place as their home base. David laid garrisons throughout Edom to protect it from enemy attacks. Let us also lay garrisons throughout; soldiers, prayers and warriors in the spiritual world. Pray for more people to stand up against injustice and join the fight in the spiritual world. Find people and start praying together. Ask others to join. Start ... Yeshua will bless it!


Continue to pray for offenders to encounter Yeshua and see what He is doing in the lives of survivors. Pray for courage and outstretched arms in their lives where they feel the safety and freedom to repent and start their lives anew.



Carnation is a brave practitioner who has been working with survivors for some time. Her job really matters and for help and advice she is always sympathetic. She does have poor health, though. Pray that she will keep the strength and courage to keep doing this work and feel her limits in this. Pray also for wisdom during the treatments.


Martin is a help-seeker at Friends of Esthers. His process is intense and affects him and his surroundings. Pray for breakthroughs in his treatment and a larger network around this family, so they can keep this going.


Adam is a son of a survivor who has asked for help. Eager prayer that Yeshua puts the right people around him and around his family so that he dares to (continue to) step out of this darkness. Much wisdom is needed now that this process has begun. We are grateful that the process did start.


There seem to be tentative doors opening ajar to help Ismael in the future. Would like to hear your prayers for him and his parents, that these doors will fully open and this child may be taken out of the cult at a very young age!


Myrthe is working hard on her process. Pray that her resilience will increase and she will gain more insight and contact with her inner parts. Pray that she will be and stay safe and out of the hands of the cult. And if something does happen, she will have the courage to share it.


Has already had a long road where he has experienced a lot of opposition. Pray for open doors and guidance of Yeshua to bring the right people into his path, so that the path to lasting freedom can be embarked upon become.


Ingrid is a brave social worker who is taking big steps to recover from the cult. This process is lead-heavy for her, where she experiences feelings of deep rejection, not belonging anywhere and not belonging to anyone. Pray that Yeshua may meet her and let her know and feel that she is wanted and loved by Him and by people around her. Pray also for breakthroughs in her treatment.


Violent things have happened in Laura's life causing her a lot of grief. Pray that she will learn to cope with her grief to the Good Shepherd, that there would be peace in her mind and parts in her that still want to go away, will become stronger not to leave. It is all very difficult for her husband too. Pray for him that he remains standing.


The past few months have been intense and tough. After the attack on 6 October, people came into my life, who also want to walk in freedom like me. How special, but also leaden to also have these confrontations engage. Pray for wisdom and strength to cope with this process and be there in love and with an eye on the other person could be. Song for this period and especially for these people in my life


With gratitude this past Christmas and New Year, I watched multiple survivors show support and love received from those around them through visits and app/chat contact at the most difficult times. What started years ago by helping one survivor is slowly growing into helping more people. In doing so, it is very nice to see that both hopefuls and helpers go through personal growth in this process. Happy to pray that at the right pace we can continue to build the team and expand help further. Not slower, but also not faster than Yeshua points out to us.


Humbly is a brave woman who has been helping a survivor for decades. All these years, she and many others have already tried many ways to help this person, but experience many of these attempts as failure. For several months now, with the help of Friends of Esthers, she has become a practitioner and is learning hard How to help the survivor even better and with success! Pray that she will gain and keep wisdom, courage and strength to continue this arduous process. Let us all mentally around people like Humbly.


A lot has happened in recent times and a lot is still happening, both inside and outside at Darling. She is grateful to God for the strides she is making, but it is also really tough. The challenge is therefore to find a good balance in all this and not let the gap between the worlds get too big become. In addition, despite her psychologist's help, she often feels lonely and alone in her process. She needs people coming her way, who understand what is going on with her and support her in it can support. Tentatively, she and her psychologist will take steps towards this in early 2024. This is very exciting/complicated for various reasons. Pray for God's guidance and nearness in this whole process.


Is a courageous woman who knows several survivors, cares for them and wants to be like a friend. She often faces spiritual struggles through this work. From Friends of Esthers, more and more tasks come her way, requiring courage and the guidance of Yeshua. Pray for protection and wisdom in the steps she takes, so that more and more survivors can be helped.


Jan is an older preschooler who in his play behaviour and in other ways shows core characteristics of severe mis-use. A lot has been going on around Jan for a long time. Pray for contacts between social workers, for protection when it comes to parental authority and that he has a safe place to grow up with appropriate treatment.


Els is a brave practitioner who has been working for survivors of ritual abuse for years. Pray for strength and courage to continue and for support around her. Pray for good cooperation between parties she deals with and for wisdom and insight during treatments.


Karin has been in treatment at Friends of Esthers for some time now. Pray for total integration of all parts and for full recovery by Yeshua. Pray also for strength and more energy as she goes through difficult moments and for protection when she visits a location (difficult for her). In addition, please pray for the right help and God's guidance for now and in the future.


Jessie is a survivor and recently moved to a hometown where she does not know anyone. There is a lot of fear of meeting new people which makes her very isolated and lonely. Would like prayer for safe people around her and courage to step out in this. Also please prayer for the coming time when she is trying to get financial support through WMO for her counselling from a professional support worker who is familiar with srm. The WMO counsellor seems to be digging his heels in around this application.


Pray for survivors who cannot be named for various reasons. Pray that they may know that they are valuable to Yeshua, pray that they will learn that there are people who can be trusted and above all that Yeshua is safe and is always with them. Pray that Yeshua will put safe people around them so that there will be opportunities for them to recover from what has been done to them.

Other survivors still waiting

We are in contact with several help seekers and because of the application freeze, we cannot help everyone right now. Pray for wisdom for us for the applications that are already ongoing. For proper diagnostics and for the right doors to the right help. Pray that more churches will dare to open their doors to this group. Pray that those who have to wait for help will find courage and strength to persevere and not give up or will find another place where they can be helped. That the great arms of Yeshua will carry them too.

Prayer calendar

Cult dates with times of rituals and additional information and prayer points

It is very intensive for survivors to surface specific information about each cult night, because each cult meeting is associated with many horrible memories, which then surface. It is therefore not of all daysmanaged to get sufficient clarity on the specific times. The times of 01.00 - 03.00 are not always fully covered: the cult often goes on longer and sometimes starts earlier. For days where no time is given, keep 01.00 - 03.00 as a guideline. For certain cult groups, Friday night is fixed cult night. Friday is therefore a day that is extra tough for many survivors.

Days like new moon and full moon are days when the cult comes together extra and the intensity is heavier. Pray that these nights will be disrupted and the spiritual power they experience will be powerless.

Note: If it says February 10, it refers to the night of February 9-10.

10 February New Moon 01.00 - 03.00

14 February 01.00 - 04.00

24 February Full moon 01.00 - 03.00

25 February 01.00 - 04.00

29 February 01.00 - 05.00 (In the PDF sent, this date was mistakenly set to 28 February)

The toughest night of February with the most spiritual struggles. There are demonic activities with libations for Halloween.

10 March New Moon 01.00 - 03.00 am

21 March - 28 March preparations Good Friday

From the night of 20 to 21 March until the night of 27 to 28 March, there will be cult gatherings every night from 01.00 - 03.00. This week is all about preparations for Good Friday and Easter.

Victims are 'prepared' to be sacrificed, to attend orgies and there will be deliveries where babies are abused and sacrificed. There will be rituals and sacrifices of animals as well as humans and sex orgies involving demons. People are working towards the climax on March 29.

Pray for hope during these nights. That it will not be hopeless, but that the victims will know that there are people who are on the ground for them these nights. Pray for the (new) mothers who will lose their babies (again). Pray for comfort and that Yeshua may show them where their baby is going, safe in the ar-men of Yeshua.

During this week 25 March Full moon so this night is extra tough.

28 on 29 March Good Friday

Cult meetings of 00.00 - 06.00

This night is dominated by the resurrection of satan. He is portrayed as the conqueror of evil (after all, Satan is seen as the good in the cult). Someone is sacrificed on the cross for his glory, however, this cross is reversed.

Pray for the victim on the cross, that like Stephen, he may behold the glory of God and that this may be a testimony in the group. Pray that Satan and his henchmen cannot come, that there will be spiritual domes around the victims and that they will be untouchable. After all, for our God, all things are possible.

30 on 31 March Easter Sunday

Cult meetings of 00.00 - 06.00. Today, Easter takes place in the cult. In the cult, it is not called Easter, it is the day of resurrection. During Easter, curses are specifically pronounced on everything alive in the eyes of Yeshua. Death is sanctioned and attempts are made to destroy life. Children are raped on an upside-down cross, the curse on its head. A newborn baby is sacrificed and more.

31 March to 1 April Easter Monday 

Cult meetings of 01.00 - 04.00. The day of the great curse. It is a direct attack on the Christian life. The darkness comes together, as it were. Demons are summoned in large groups and sent out to the great adversary, God. After this ultimate session, a great orgy takes place in which babies are also used and die from the effects of these rapes.

8 April new moon 01.00 - 03.00

21-30 April preparation week Walpurgis 01.00 - 03.00

This whole week is the cult festival, a preparation week for Walpurgis. Spring has sprung, the cult's fertility season. The beginning of spring, but above all the beginning of purification. During this week, children (between the ages of nine and 16) will be made pregnant so that they can give birth to a child during Christmas. Some girls will be 'saved' for Walpurgis Night. They will not be used for sexual intercourse the week before and will only be made pregnant during Walpurgis during a special ceremony. Their cycle is geared to these days, using fertility drugs.

During this week, the 24 April Full moon so extra heavy.

30 April - 1 May Walpurgis

Cult meetings of 00.00 - 04.00 Walpurgis night and on 1 May during the day from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. meetings with concluding hunting parties.

The night of 30 April to 1 May (Walpurgisnacht) and during the day on 1 May are the climax. Sacrifices are then made with babies, sex is practised with people who have been killed beforehand and orgies are experienced with mostly children under eight years old. It is heralded with a 25-year-old woman being burnt alive on a blazing fire. The next day, there are gatherings and when the sun sets, hunting parties for children will take place in forests. These hunting parties officially end this period, with the 'best' children remaining. Not all children survive the hunting parties.

Spiritual demonic activities are intense these days. Cult members strive to get as far into ecstasy as possible so that a deep, intense connection is felt with their king, Satan. They worship him as we worship Yeshua. They see him as THE light, THE life and THE answer. The spiritual interaction with demons and during the climax between 03.00 and 04.00 in this night with Satan himself (if they have done well enough) is the real climax. It is intensely experienced, there is crying and they feel god.

The darkness has all the freedom, there is no blockage, no light. This very freedom of the darkness is what feels so powerful and which makes it impossible for a victim to imagine being able to get out of this. The power of darkness is impossible to match ... at least that's how it feels in that moment.

Specific prayer points are:

That the victims feel there is a God who is bigger and stronger. That deep inside, they feel the lifeline with Yeshua and hold the hope that there is outcome.

That the perpetrators start to doubt, doubt is sin in the cult. Doubt can kill them, but is the only way to possibly get out.

That Yeshua with his mighty army of angels will disrupt the devil's spiritual rapture. That His battle during this night can be present in that space of the cult and everyone there will witness the power of our King Yeshua.

That the meetings are disrupted and that in doing so, the victims will not be harmed.

That there no new spiritual bonds and demons can enter the victims, that no new hooks will be struck so that freedom will be closer than ever.

That the meetings will not take place can find.

Disembarkers have a very difficult time this night, they can be attacked and mentally 'taken away' or raped. Pray for them to be under Yeshua's protection and the attacks cannot reach them.

1 and 2 May Cult parties 01.00 - 03.00

4 May Remembrance Day 00.00 - 03.00 hours

Memorial Day, demons impersonate important deceased cult figures and there is a sex orgy with them.

5 May Liberation Day

Cult meetings of 00.00 - 10.00

8 May New Moon 01.00 - 03.00

9 May Ascension 00.00 - 05.00 this is a tough night.

19 to 20 May Pentecost

Cult meetings of 00.00 - 03.00

It is a night of mostly demonic activities celebrated in a physical gathering. The summoning of demons and Satan takes centre stage, with the aim of increasing their power and territory. One way this is done is through a sacrifice with a newborn born in the cult. This happens in local cult groups scattered across the country. Afterwards, as almost always, there is a sex orgy.

23 May Full moon 01.00 - 03.00

6 June New Moon 01.00 - 03.00

Will you continue to pray with us?

Esther, Aline and Janita


This prayer letter may be distributed widely, especially in churches. 'My people perish for lack of knowledge',
says the Bible (Hosea 4:6). Let us then look away no more. Let us fix our eyes on Yeshua and injustice, and let us embrace those caught in it and take them before the throne of God!
For more information on satanic ritual abuse, see e.g. 

NB: the above highly informative documentaries have unfortunately been taken offline by Argos, but can still be found elsewhere on the internet for those who do a quick search.

For whom and by whom?
This prayer letter is for any Christian who wants to join in prayer based on good information. It is an initiative of Esther, Aline and Janita. Esther was born into a church family that worshipped Satan and has struggled to break free from the grip of this cult. Aline professionally helps survivors of satanic ritual abuse step out of this cult and come to recovery physically, emotionally and spiritually. Janita is active in prayer work around srm and recently became a survivor's practitioner.

If you know people who might be interested in joining us in prayer, please feel free to forward this letter and the prayer points. If you no longer wish to receive this prayer letter and the prayer points, an email back will suffice.


The world of survivors was totally unknown to me. I have great respect for their courage and perseverance when I hear about their bizarre experiences. How vulnerable and special that they want to share this with me personally! I really appreciate that we can open our home for encounters.

Being there unconditionally is the key

I have been touched in my heart by the injustice done to so many; I want to stand for the truth and for God's justice to prevail.

Survivors of SRM need what every human being needs: sincere love, a heart that listens without judgement and lasting connection. Even the deepest parts, those who had to murder and rape, then dare to speak. How many victims will break free from their lifelong slavery if they receive 10 such friends?

It is a privilege to pray for survivors, regularly and at key moments. And also for their families, if they are still in the cult. That is my contribution to their liberation and I experience that in this way I can help God's light to shine on their lives. As a Christian, I thus take my place in God's Kingdom and in the heavenly realms.

What a new, dark world opened up for me in 2020. Too bizarre to be true, until I started to listen and read critically and openly. I now find it a privilege to support therapists and survivors, so that the Light of Jesus overcomes the deep darkness.

I give my hands to help and my heart to love.

It is a privilege to experience a survivor. But it is an even greater privilege to be able to do your modest part to support the survivor to really live.

No one can do it all alone.... That is why I want to mean something for others. My name Tikva means HOPE ... and there is hope for everyone!