People who are in the cult and try to get out are in constant danger, because if they don't respond to mails, signals or invitations to come, they will be harassed in all kinds of ways; the cult has its "men" for that.
This goes so far that survivors are visited at work and if that is not possible, they are met outside the company where they work.
If survivors are caught, they are put under physical pressure to obey the cult; this pressure can range from beatings or
rape, to poisoning or worse.
In order to protect a survivor from this, we have driven behind her from work to home several times; this goes so far that you have to pick the person up at the workplace, walk with her to the car park and then drive behind her in your own car.
You have to watch out on the road that no one comes between you and her, or that she is not cut off and pushed into the side; or that a survivor is triggered with light signals to ride willy-nilly behind a cult member like a sheep being led to slaughter .......
So it is a question of staying alert until you have escorted someone home safely.
The reward is to see someone become freer and freer and to be a good, safe and reliable network for a survivor, together with others.