Esther I don't want!
At the invitation of friends, my wife and I went along to an introductory evening around what has been neatly named Sadistic Organised Abuse* in the House of Representatives. The abbreviation is SRM. We were there because there is a group of people who want to provide a safe haven for victims of SRM. In a nearly one-and-a-half-hour [...]
Colliding worlds - survivor and networker
I have now spent years walking intensively with survivors of srm and it is harrowing to realise more and more what an incredibly complex world they live in. They have to function in two completely different worlds. One world of absolute hierarchy and obedience, where every 'mistake' is ruthlessly punished; a world that constantly sends the message [...]
Blog by Myrjam
For several months now, I have been involved in Friends of Esthers. In this, I have direct and indirect contact with survivors of satanic ritual abuse. To outline a brief profile: survivors have been able to build (almost) no relationships of trust throughout their lives, even with close family members. Often their trust in counselling agencies and [...]
Story of a practitioner
Walking in the park, I responded to a question I was asked, "Are you willing to help someone, who is stuck in a network of mistreatment and abuse". I realised that it will cost me something, but if I don't do it...who will. I said yes. This is how I came into contact with people trapped. Tortured, taken, exploited and discarded. Left alone with nightmares, intense re-experiences and enormous guilt
It is written of Jesus (Col. 2:15) that He disarmed and openly displayed the governments and powers and triumphed over them.
This is about the spiritual authorities/powers, about the adversary of God, of grace, of good.
Truth in the hidden
Over a year ago now, my husband and I met an old acquaintance by 'chance' and
we got into a conversation about SRM. I already knew of its existence but actually it was something far
away from me because it is not easily talked about.
By a Faithful Prayer I don't remember when and how I first heard of satanic ritual abuse, at least it was years ago. Later when I was studying psychology, I heard about these horrific things again from my internship supervisor, she told me that it doesn't only happen far away, but precisely [...]
Constantly in danger
People who are in the cult and trying to get out are in constant danger, because if they don't respond to emails, signals or invitations to come, they are thwarted in all sorts of ways; the cult has its "males" for that.This even goes so far, that survivors are visited at work and if that doesn't [...]
The Network
I like to get moving on issues that matter. For instance, I helped establish Stichting Present Almere and served on the board of Compassion Netherlands. When I was asked to help Aline Terpstra find a support network for a survivor of SRM, I made another such move. [...]
Homestay survivor
For some time now, we have been hosting a survivor in our home. The first really big step towards true freedom this person has made is a fact and we get to be a part of it. How special that is! The first few days the transition was very big for this person, but soon we see [...]